Linda’s Review of “Transform Your Thinking, Transform Your Life” by Bill Winston




The election of President Obama put a new charge of hope in the atmosphere. For many his election resurrected hope and faith in America and in mankind . Young and old saw his election as the inspiration to raise the bar of believing that one can achieve whatever he or she puts in his mind and heart. The theme “Yes we can”  encouraged people to believe that barriers people once thought to be  insurmountable can be overcome. How inspirational. However,I wonder for how long will this enthusiasm raise the level of our hopes and thinking last?  Don’t get be wrong, I think its wonderful and I am riding on the wave as well. But to accomplish all that this election represents and what God’s wants to do for His kingdom  we must truly have renewed hearts and minds.  While all this is wonderful and heartfelt we need to have a real change in our attitude and mindset for us to consistently live on a higher level and to truly embrace a higher level of living and thinking that will effectuate real change.

The book “Transform Your Thinking, Transform Your Life “by Dr. Bill Winston offers practical and bible based ways in which you and I can change our thought patterns which in turn will change your world and destiny by the renewing of our mind. We all want change in our lives that leads to the abundant life.The way to do that is to first change the way you think. The book also provides  realistic examples of  how to make and carry out the decision to renew your mind.

Dr Winston lets us know that you have to make a choice to renew your mind and ways of thinking. Your soul is your mind, emotions and will and where youmake decisions. The bible emphasizes, as Dr Winston points out, that you must have your mind transformed by the Word of God which means “it must come under the complete submission of the Holy Spirit in your spirit”. It sounds “deep” ,but Dr Winston provides  bible based characters and real life examples  of how you can and must accomplish the process of transforming your thinking if you want to change your life from the inside.

God has a potent supernatural remedy for defective, low expectations ,low living and it is His Word. God’s plan for your destiny is very different from the world’s which can bring a number of fiery trials such as discouragement and pressures on every side. How can  you elevate your thinking to a  higher standard of living? Dr Winston tell us that we have to change our thought patterns and processes which follow the world and meditate on the Word . Dr Winston lets us know we must leave our comfort zones, stop being stuck in the miry clay of “stinking thinking” or thinking as we always have , and meditate on the Word until we can believe what God tells us about the circumstances. You cannot go where you can not see or believe he explains. The book challenges one to learn to think right . In order to do so you have to go through a spiritual renovation and to change what Dr .Wilson calls  our “set point” wherein we have a certain thought process that we are “stuck in”.

I was blessed by the book . Last  Saturday I visited the “Artistry of Hair” salon and the women begin talking about choices they had made or need to make in their  lives. I had the book with me  and shared  certain chapters from the book. One patron asked the question” how do you know that God told you something and it appears that in the natural nothing is happening?

Well I read from the book Dr.Winston’s experience in 1997. That year he formed  the Forest Park Plaza  Inc, to acquire a mall. He learned how the inheritance God has for you can be beyond your ability to conceive or obtain. He explained how God told him to start the undertaking and he took steps of faith to do so. However ,the funding dried up and it looked like the  organization would be unable to acquire the mall. He had to get back in the Word and meditate on it until “his ability to believe was up to the challenge in front of me.” God confirmed  that he did indeed give Dr. Winston the vision for the mall. So another lesson Dr Winston teaches us is that “Meditating God’s Word turns pressure into prosperity”. The book provides spiritual nuggets and strategies that will help you to consistently think about your purpose , develop the courage to step out of your comfort zone and into the great things God has in store for you  and ,will  stretch you to renew your mind  to overcome adversity and your current circumstances.

William (Bill) Winston is a visionary leader with an insightful awareness of what people need to succeed and how he can empower them for success.   Born in Tuskegee, Alabama, as a young boy ,he was influenced by the courageous examples and historic aviation accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen. After attending Tuskegee Institute, Bill served as a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force, where he received numerous awards and medals for his superior flying skills. After completing military service, Bill joined the IBM Corporation as a marketing representative. His exceptional managerial and relational skills rapidly earned him several promotions.

Today , Bill Winston is Founder and Pastor of Living Word Christian Center, a 15,000 member church located in Forest Park, Illinois. The church has a Bible Training Center, a School of Ministry and Missions, the Joseph Business School , the Forest Park Plaza shopping mall and other entities. Contact Bill at

Tags: Dr. Bill Winston, transform, renewed mind, choices, abundant living

ISBN: 9781577949190

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