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Courage Like A King!

Courage is an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles. Cowardice is submissive surrender to circumstances. Courage breeds creativity; Cowardice represses fear and is mastered by it. …And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right.” – From Martin Luther King Jr.’s autobiography

The world watches and celebrates the life and legacy of one of the greatest advocates for justice, peace, equality, worker’s rights,  love, and courage. It’s important to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. not only as an iconic leader who united millions in a peaceful push for civil rights, but one whose life showed that visionary leadership requires unrelenting courage. The courage of a King’s life and activism exemplified the power of speaking truth to injustice and standing up to oppressive systems.

Through Dr. King’s leadership, he reminded us that with courage comes great responsibility; a responsibility to do what is right despite fear or opposition. Dr. King’s courage acts as an example of how every individual can take action to make a difference.  Rev. King mobilized people everywhere in their fight against inequality and oppression without resorting to violence or aggression – demonstrating that courage doesn’t need to be loud or aggressive to achieve its goals – it just needs determined hearts willing to speak up and make positive change. Yes, I recognize that many would disagree that courage does not need to be loud or aggressive.  His example highlights the importance of standing together even amidst immense struggles in order to make a real difference in social change.

 Dr. King left behind what many consider an inspiring model for demonstrating true moral leadership–Courage Like A King. We must imbed that model lesson of courage in our hearts today if our society is going to keep pressing and moving forward towards creating greater equality throughout our communities like Dr. Martin’s vision set out forth nearly 60 years ago.

While his actions made a powerful impact on society, taking a stand for what is right often requires more than physical courage—it requires moral courage and God-given courage. In today’s world, taking a stand can be difficult amid so much controversy, racism, and chaos.

The courage of a Dr. King is a timeless example of courage in the face of adversity. He stood up for what was right, even when faced with death threats, social and political pressure, and immense public criticism. His courage allowed him to make a difference not only for Blacks and minorities but also for society and humanity.

What small acts of courage can you challenge yourself to do?

What Gives Us Courage?

 Courage is defined as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear” (Dictionary). Courage  does not mean the absence of fear, but moving forward despite fear. It comes from having faith in God and yourself and your convictions even when faced with great opposition.

Courage comes from within; it takes strength to be brave enough to speak up for what’s right even when it’s not popular or comfortable to do so. We have seen the evil January 6 attack on the White House and the challenge to overturn the 2020 presidential election.  President Joe Biden will award medals to a dozen people who “demonstrated courage and selflessness during a moment of peril for our nation,” according to a White House official. He will award those who protected The White House during the January 6 attack and those who withstood the pressure to declare the 2020 presidential election fraudulent despite threats and armed protesters. Among those to be awarded is Jocelyn Benson, the Michigan Secretary of State who faced armed protesters outside her home when she resisted pressure over election results.

 It is this kind of bravery that has inspired countless others throughout history to take a stand against injustice no matter what odds they were faced with.

It is an important time to reflect on what gives each of us the courage to take our own stand or make our own small contribution.

What Choices Do You Need To Make?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a unique courage – one that was driven by his moral, social, and spiritual beliefs and faith in God. He stood up for what he felt was right, even in the face of adversity, death threats, and intense social and political pressure.

 It takes strength to be brave enough to speak up for what’s right even when it’s not popular or comfortable to do so. King upheld his authentic values of Christian faith and loyalty to America, although greeted with hatred, death threats, physical assaults, illegal arrest, unjust and false accusations, and ultimately his assassination.

Rev. King wanted to make a difference in the lives of not only minorities but also for all people. How can we use the lesson from the courage of a King today?

Having the courage to stand up for what you believe in does not happen overnight; it takes time, faith in God and His Word and determination to build that level of bravery within yourself. It starts with making conscious choices in your life—from your personal life to your business decisions and  your dreams—to confront any fear you might have about speaking up or taking action. Making these kinds of choices will help you build your own moral courage so you can take meaningful steps towards making a difference, no matter how small those steps may seem at first.

It is easy for people to sit back and be complacent when something wrong is happening around them – but real courage means taking action despite your fears. This could be anything from writing letters or emails expressing your opinion on topics you feel passionate about, engaging in conversations with people who think differently than you do, joining protests or campaigns you believe in, donating money or resources towards causes you support, etc.. The possibilities are endless!

 To truly honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we must strive every day to embody his courage by standing up for what we know is right no matter how hard it may seem at times. We need more people who will take courageous steps towards progress instead of standing idly by while others suffer injustices.

 So ask yourself today – what can I do? What choices am I willing make so I can have the courage like a King?  Take Courage!  Make change! Love justice! Act now!   If each one of us takes even just one small step forward together, we can create an unstoppable wave of progress around us! Let’s do this! #CouragelikeaKing #MLKDay2023 #BeTheChangeYouWishToSeeInTheWorld #LoveJusticeActNow #TakeCourageMakeChange #SmallStepsBigChange #MLKLegacyLivesOn.

Linda Fegins, “The Courage Catalyst” copyright2023

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Women Dream and Do Big!

Celebrate Women’s History Month and celebrate the rich legacy of women trail blazers in various social, political, legal and economic arenas. Many of the women had the courage to step out in faith to achieve their dreams in the face of adversity, inequality, and challenges. They dreamed big and took action steps toward their dream. You too can dream big and do big. We know that faith makes things possible. ” With God, all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26.

What dream do you have in your heart? Dream Big and Move forward to fulfill that dream and do big. Move forward toward your goals, mission and assignment with courage , faith and be resilient. Do not quit. Rest if you get weary, but don’t quit. Do not allow hate, racism, inequality, bias, fear and other obstacles to stop you. Press forward toward your goal.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Dream Big. Believe. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. ”Matthew 21:22. Pray without ceasing. 1Thess. 5:17. Do. Act. Faith without works is dead. Walk by Faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7. Faith make things possible, not easy. Don’t quit or grow weary.

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What is in your heart you want to do? Pray. Write the vision down. Count the costs and move forward. You may be the answer to someone’s prayer and need.

Pray for and support other women. Encourage them. Iron sharpens iron.  No women is an island.

Share your greatness and love. Pray for others. Serve others. Think Great. Pray Big. Do great works with the help of the Holy Ghost.

Pray for the hurting, homeless and helpless (meaning loss through death, divorce, rejection, lonely, brokenhearted, poor, seniors etc) Then DO. Give a hug, support, a hand, encouragement, donations, love etc. Pray to break the vicious cycle of racism .Pray for your neighbor, your community and be a part of a solution .Pray for families.

Have a great Women’s History Month. Linda Fegins copyright 2021

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Choose To Challenge for Women

Happy Marvelous Miraculous Monday! Happy International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month! This month join the #ChooseToChallenge injustice, bias, or inequality relating to women globally.

All around the world, International Women’s Day represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality. Much has been done in the world to highlight the fact that woman must enjoy the equal rights, opportunities and respect as men do, the International Women’s Day is perhaps among the few days in the year during which the importance of woman is recognized, glorified and celebrated.

International Women’s Day 2021 Theme: #ChooseToChallenge  #IWD2021.A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let’s all choose to challenge. How will you help forge a gender equal world? Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

Each year International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. The first International Women’s Day was held in 1911. Thousands of events occur to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. Organizations, governments, charities, educational institutions, women’s groups, corporations and the media celebrate the day.

Various organizations identify their own International Women’s Day theme, specific to their local context and interests.

So today think what action you will do to challenge false and negative stereotypes, images and thinking about women. Think about it.   Maybe you will challenge bias. Think about what your target audience will be. Will it be a specific community, family and friends, or certain employees? Then think about what action you can take.  Will you make a video, speak to students at a local school or launch or project or initiative?

So today and this week encourage a woman to collaborate through shared thinking and invite colleagues to take action such as to think about and/or commit to progressive actions. Maybe encourage them to collectively commit to #ChooseToChallenge.

Have great day and remember to #ChooseToChallenge.


Linda Fegins copyright 2021 , or

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A Beginners Guide to Wealth Building by R. LaMont W., MBA

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Be Encouraged & Endure

Be Encouraged & Endure
Over the past two weeks several friends that I hold dear have lost loved ones to the coronavirus. My heart goes out to Helena, Robert, Pam, Gwen and Teresa. And also to other friends whose relatives are fighting to recover or to live.

While I pray for them and the millions who are suffering in some way due to this virus, I also pray for those of us whose impact has thus far been limited to having to shelter in place and sacrifice our norm. For let’s be real: This right here isn’t normal.

There’s the surrealness of it all. In may ways, it feels like we’re living out a sci-fi movie.

There’s the surrender required during it all. This is when the best place to be is at the center of the storm, wrapped in the Almighty’s embrace, due to what we can’t control.

And certainly, there’s the shifting of it all. Those of us who survive will come out of this indefinite period of disruption changed, no matter what.

If we’re intentional, perhaps this era will leave us wiser, more gracious, more authentically ourselves and more focused, connected and settled – ready to live our purpose or lean into discovering the next phase of our life’s unique calling. And many will be like my friends – forever touched by the losses this difficult season has wrought, fighting to forge ahead.

Wherever you land on this spectrum, be gentle with yourself, yet determined not to let this time of shutdown be a blur.

This doesn’t mean you must write that book, build a new business or “boss up” in some other way, although if you’re up to it, you can. What this season does offer is a chance to do the deep work to polish the gem your life already is.

Be courageous and love more deeply – yourself first, so you can truly love your neighbor.Look within and be real about the state of your soul. If you’re good, remain steady and firm and pour out from that full well. If you’re shaky, use this time to brutally self-examine, forgive yourself and others, and do whatever else it takes to transform into a person you’re proud of and gracious toward. We all have room to grow.

Challenge yourself to avoid self-numbing to the point of missing the lessons you’re meant to learn or the blessing you’re meant to be to others.
Be okay with everything not being okay. And even so, still find a way to live, love and laugh your way through as much of this as you can.

That’s what the doctor’s and nurses on the front lines are doing with the dances and songs they’re flooding social media with, between their calls to loved ones of dying patients.That’s what so-called “ordinary” people around this nation and globe are doing as they find time to help a neighbor or stranger, or celebrate someone’s birthday while social distancing or make an extra phone call to say hello, or share a meal or buy someone’s groceries. That’s what every essential worker is doing every time he or she leaves home to do a job that could be putting him or her at risk; and every teleworker who is pouring into others online, via email and on calls, keeping systems in place and processes moving forward.

I heard on the news (which I watch sparingly) today that social distancing and sheltering in place is slowly but surely making an impact. Certainly, we’re not out of harm’s way. There are more waves of valley moments seemingly ahead. But what this proves is that the one thing we CAN control during this time is our choices.

Choose to continue being a ripple in the proverbial ocean. Your sacrifices and prayers, virtual hugs and words of encouragement, dollars and donations, and other acts of kindness, are making a difference.
For those who are grieving, we grieve with you.For those who have something to celebrate (birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, end of cancer treatments) we celebrate with you.For those who are struggling, we see you and are helping however we can. If you feel unseen or unheard, don’t go it alone. Reach out to a friend or relative or even a stranger; for right now, we’re all family.

For those who took time to read all of this, please receive my virtual hug and smile. Know that I am praying for you, and for our world.

Also hug yourself and think about things that make you smile. Cry if you must; curse if that helps. Then, rise up and resolve to push through. Let your faith edge out the fear, and conquer the battle for your mind and your sense of hope.

Embrace this sober wisdom that my late mother shared with me in our last conversation in 2005: “Sometimes you have to lose to gain.”
We don’t know when, we don’t know how, but If we’ll endure through this night, morning will come, beauty will replace ashes, and hope and healthiness will reign through the land once again.

~ Stacy Hawkins Adams©

Author: Stacy Hawkins Adams
Through her fiction and nonfiction, author, journalist and writing coach Stacy Hawkins Adams inspires readers (and budding writers) to find meaning in their own stories, grow from life’s lessons and thrive. Like this post? Please leave a comment, then share it with others. Also visit Stacy at to sign up for her newsletter, and friend/follow her on Instagram @StacyInspires, Twitter @StacyInspires and Facebook @StacyInspires. Learn more about her coaching services at View all posts by Stacy Hawkins Adams

AuthorStacy Hawkins Adams
Posted on9 Apr 2020

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Love Never Takes A Holiday.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day generally represents the celebration of love between couples. However, we should celebrate God’s perpetual and steadfast love for us and how we should love Him with our whole heart and love our neighbor. Love gives. Jesus loved us that He gave His life for you. It should be a celebration of relationships at all times even in difficult circumstances. Love  never takes a holiday. We should walk in love as much as possible throughout the year.

Beloved let us love one another: for love is God… 1 John 4:7-8.Thank God for loving YOU . Celebrate the love of Jesus with the lonely, depressed, and broken hearted. Give them a hug, a card, a smile , an encouraging Word or a gift. Love gives. Love Never Takes A Holiday. Love God, your neighbor and one another. John 13:34-35

God is love. He wants us to demonstrate that love in our relationships with the “saved” and those who do not know Jesus Christ personally. We should live as a demonstration of His love, grace, mercy and truth so that we will glorify Him and so that someone may be saved, find hope, and know that the Lord and someone cares for them. Invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart to reveal areas where transformation needs to occur in you and in the church.

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Significantly, the Lord wants us to walk in love so we can reach out and bless others – the hurting, the homeless and the helpless and those persons grieving from loss of loved ones, relationships, job and facing change. Let’s be sensitive as to how we show love for one another. Bear one another’s burdens (E.g. Galations 6:2)  “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Eph. 4:32). Speak without accusing. James 1:19. Genuine love is not easily offended; it does not hold a grudge; it does not place expectation or demands on others; it is not conditional. Love is an action word.

Linda Fegins, 2017/2020

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is love-10-ways1794528_10200769570681949_114579639_n.jpg

Linda Fegins ,, 2017/2018/2020

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Dream Big by Linda Fegins

As we honor the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , and the” Big Dream” he had, reflect on what he achieved that many thought was impossible. We know that faith makes things possible.”With God, all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26. Praise the King of Kings that downloaded “The Dream” into the great dreamer, Dr. King’s heart.

What dream do you have in your heart? Dream Big and Move forward to fulfill that dream. Move forward toward your goals, mission and assignment. Do not allow hate, racism, fear and other obstacles to stop you. Press forward toward your goal.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Dream Big. Believe. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”Matthew 21:22. Pray without ceasing. 1Thess. 5:17. Do. Act. Faith without works is dead . Walk by Faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7. Faith make things possible, not easy. Don’t quit or grow weary.

What is in your heart you want to do? Pray. Write the vision down. Pray Big without ceasing. 1 Thess. 5:17. Count the costs and move forward. You may be the answer to someone’s problem.

Share your greatness and love. Pray for others. Serve others.#DrMartinL.King #greatnessisservicePhil 2:4; Eph 2:10 ;Matt 25:35-40 Think Great. Pray Big. Do Great Works with the help of the Holy Ghost.

Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be discouraged, for the Lord God , my God, is with you. 1 Chronicles 28:20 NASB

On this Marvelous Manifestation Monday, praise God for His unfathomable love for you!What is your expectation for this week, month , and year? What is the dream in your heart? Think Big, Do Big and Think Victory! Praise God for daily loading you up with benefits. This is the year of victory for you.

Keep praying, pressing forth and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart.

Don’t be afraid to shine with love and the spirit of excellence. Dream Big. Pray Big. Do Big.

Linda Fegins “The Prayer Leader” 2018, 2020

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Marvelous Manifesation Monday

Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday

On this Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday, praise God for His unfathomable love for you!What is your expectation for this week, month , and year? Think Big. Do Big. Think Victory! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits.

This is the year of victory for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020!! Greater works. Move Forward in 2020. Pursue. Overtake. Expect Victory 1Corn 15:57. Expect Greater. Pray Big. Eph. 3:20.

Even if things are not what you want for now, shout for joy with Praise now, because you have a God that can “work it out” by working all things –good ,bad and ugly together for your good (Rom. 8:28-30) if you believe. God is amazing and can “ fix it”, bring you through ,will never leave you ,will help see you through and He listens and answers prayer.

Believe and obey His Word. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Keep praying, pressing forth and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart. Don’t be afraid to shine with love and the spirit of excellence.

Dream Big. Write down the goals that you want to accomplish this week, the month and for the year. We discussed the importance of writing goals last week. Review that article. Write down your personal, fiancial, spiritual and career goals. Or just write down 3 things you want to accomplish this month or year and make them SMART. Read again the article from last week.

Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader”,

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Marvelous Manifestation of 2020

On this Marvelous Manifestation of a new decade-2020 As you walk in this New Year on this Marvelous Manifestation of the first day of 2020 do so with great expectation of new beginnings, new opportunities, blessings , favor, renewal and victory. Know that God is going to do great things through you. May God grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans that line up with His will for you and may we shout for joy over your victory.( Ps 20:6 RSV).

Praise God for His unfamthonable love for you!! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits. This is the year of victory and favor for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020 and God is amazing and can fix it and bring you through.The Lord will see you through and He listens and answers prayer. Believe and obey His Word. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Keep praying, pressing forth and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart. Don’t be afraid to shine with love and the spirit of excellence.

On this Marvelous Manifestation of a new decade, God has unfamthonable love for you! What is your expectation for this week, month , and year? Think Big, Do Big and Think Victory! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits. This is the year of victory for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020!! Even if things are not what you want for now, shout for joy with Praise now, because you have a God that can “work it out” by working all things –good ,bad and ugly together for your good (Rom. 8:28-30) if you believe.

New Year Blessings from Linda “The Prayer Leader”

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22 Top Resources for Women Business Owners BY MELINDA EMERSON

October is National Women in Business Month, and it’s a good time to look at the impact women business owners are having in the US economy. In this blog post, I will share some statistics, along with some great resources for women business owners who want to start a new business or grow an existing one.

Women-Owned Businesses Are on the Rise

According to the 9th Annual State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, released by American Express, over the past year, women started an average of 1,817 new businesses per day in the US. That represents 42 percent of nearly 13 million businesses overall. These businesses have 9.4 million employees and generate $1.9 trillion in revenue. Women of color account for 89 percent (1,625) of the new businesses opened every day over the past year. In fact, 50 percent of all women-owned firms are owned by African-American women. 

Side hustling is also on the rise. Over the last five years, the number of women side-hustlers has grown at a rate that is nearly twice as fast as the overall growth in female entrepreneurship. Minority women are responsible for a large portion of the growth of side-hustling among women-owned businesses. 

Even though women of color are starting more businesses than ever before, not everyone is making big money. 1.7 percent of women business gross over 1 million in revenue. However, 88 percent of women are not grossing over $100K, and for African Americans, the average business generates $66K, which has gone slightly down over the last 5 years.

22 Resources for Women Business Owners

Women-Owned Businesses Are on the Rise

Given these stats, there is a lot of work to do to grow those revenues. I wanted to make sure every woman entrepreneur has what she needs to run her dream business. Here are the top 22 organizations and websites that provide resources for women business owners, including advice, advocacy, mentorship, funding support, and business connections, all of which are critical to long-term success.


This site provides business information and resources for small businesses—those companies with fewer than 500 employees. The company also conducts research to measure the health and direction of the small business sector.

2. Black & Brown Founders

Black & Brown Founders provides community, education, and access to Black and Latinx entrepreneurs, allowing them to launch and build tech businesses with modest resources.

3. ChallengeHer

ChallengeHER is a program sponsored by Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) to share growth opportunities in government contracting with women-owned small businesses. The program is free for all registrants as part of a national initiative designed to promote the WOSB Federal Contract Program, to bring more women-owned firms into the federal government’s supply chain. Their next event is coming to Washington, D.C. on October 24, 2019.

4. Ellevate Network

Ellevate Network is a global organization enabling women in business to elevate each other. Members include both corporate women and women entrepreneurs.  

5. Essence

Essence is a monthly magazine for African-American women between the ages of 18 and 49. First published in 1970, it is one of the few American magazines that focus on reaching an audience of black women. They regularly publish finance and business content to help side-hustlers and full-time business owners.

6. Export.Gov

The government wants to help you take your business global. Developed by international trade experts and economists, provides trusted market intelligence, practical advice, and business tools to help U.S. companies expand in global markets.

7. Female Founders Alliance (FFA)

FFA is an online community of female and non-binary founders of small businesses. They also run Ready Set Raise an industry-agnostic national startup accelerator that is a 6-week intensive training and funding program. 

8. ForbesWoman

This spinoff of the Forbes website shares information, resources, and ideas to help professional and executive women succeed.

9. The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)

The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is an agency in the United States Department of Commerce that promotes growth and competitiveness of the United States’ minority-owned businesses, including Hispanic and Latino American, Asian Pacific American, African American, and Native American businesses. 

10. NAFE

The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) provides education, networking, and public advocacy to help its members achieve financial security and business success. Members include women executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, and allies committed to the advancement of women in the workplace.

11. National Minority Supplier Development Council

The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) offers a certification program to create opportunities for business owners of color to connect to the hundreds of corporate members who wish to build relationships with trusted minority businesses. They also build MBE capacity through programs and workshops at their regional and national conferences.

12. National Women’s Business Council

The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) is a nonpartisan federal advisory council that serves as an independent source of advice and policy recommendations to the president, Congress, and the U.S. Small Business Administration. The NWBC works to promote economic issues that matter to women business owners and to encourage bold initiatives that support women-owned businesses throughout their journey, from startup to success.


The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) works to help women business owners achieve economic, social, and political power. With 12,000 members, NAWBO is one of the best-known membership organizations for women in business. With the NAWBO Institute, women can access a virtual online learning platform to develop key skills and learn strategies to help take their business to next level.

14. Pipeline Angels

This is a national initiative that trains women to develop into angel entrepreneurs. It does this through education, mentoring programs, and practice. In addition, the program allows women from all over the country to present their business ideas in its Pitch Summits, with the winner having a chance to secure capital for their business ideas.

15. Small Business Administration (SBA)

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent agency of the federal government. Its goal is to assist and protect small businesses and strengthen the US economy. The SBA has an extensive network of field offices that provide training, federal contract assistance, business certifications, and loan guarantees. 

16. SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership

This is an office within the SBA that manages over 100 Women’s Business Centers that work to help women small business owners. WBCs provide entrepreneurs with in-depth training and counseling and various loan products.

17. SBDCs

The Office of Small Business Development Centers gives both current and prospective small business owners counseling, advice, and services, often for little or no cost. Small business owners can access these “one-stop shops” to get information, guidance, or education. Every state has at least one SBDC.


SCORE is one of the best resources to find a mentor for your small business. SCORE mentors are business experts who’ve been in the trenches of corporate America and entrepreneurship. They provide free business consulting online or in person. They also have a huge website with tons of free resources.


With decades of experience, I know how difficult (yet incredibly rewarding!) it can be to start and grow a business. Every week I share my advice with you in blog posts, #SmallBizChat interviews on Twitter and Facebook, and on my new #SmallBizChat Podcast.


The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) is a certify agency for women businesses. WBENC provides members with networking and other opportunities to market to government and corporations that want to do business with women-owned companies.

21. Women Impacting Public Policy

Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) is a national, nonpartisan organization that advocates on behalf of women entrepreneurs. WIPP lobbies Congress to create economic opportunities for women and impact public policy. They also provide benefits such as advocacy training, assistance getting federal contracts, and business workshops.

22. WPO

The Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) is a nonprofit membership organization for women who are presidents of million-dollar businesses. WPO members participate in advisory groups monthly that help them grow their businesses and partners to take their businesses to the next level.

Do you know of any other organizations that offer resources for women business owners? Let me what else should be on this list. Women business owners ROCK!Feel free to share…

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Fix Your Business Now!

Order SmallBizLady’s new book Fix Your Business, 90-Day plan to Get Back Your Life and Reduce Chaos in Your Business. It includes the 12 Ps of Running a Successful Business and readers will finish the book with a new strategic plan to take their business to the next level.

About Melinda Emerson

Melinda F. Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady is one of America’s leading small business experts. As a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and small business coach, she develops audio, video and written content to fulfill her mission to end small business failure. As CEO of Quintessence Multimedia, Melinda educates entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies on subjects including small business start-up, business development and social media marketing. Forbes Magazine named her #1 woman for entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. She hosts #SmallBizChat Wednesdays on Twitter 8-9pm ET for emerging entrepreneurs. She also publishes a resource blog Melinda is also bestseller author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works. Her latest ebook, How To Become a Social Media Ninja; 101 Ways to Dominate Your Competition Online was released in 2012.

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