Author Keith Taylor’s Response to Linda Fegins’ Interview Questions .
Linda: Tell us about yourself?
Keith: I am a Husband, Pastor, Thinker, Author, Teacher, Mentor, Business Man and World Changer. My mission is simple- Teach, Motivate, and Inspire Generations through God’s word.
Linda: Why did you feel you had to write this particular book?
Keith: I felt like I didn’t see many books that spoke on this topic that were easy to read for my generation. We don’t like thick books, were the technology generation we want to get what we need and move on. Also I had dealt with being rejected so many times and still been able to overcome I wanted to be able to help someone else do the same.
Linda: The book is about rejection, why do you feel qualified to write on this subject?
Keith: I feel what qualifies me most to write on this subject is my experience and the wisdom and knowledge I’ve gained through studying other people’s experiences with rejection as well. I also feel that God has given me a certain level of divine revelation is regards to being rejected but still being able to prevail no matter what.
Linda: Who did you write, Rejected But STILL Prevailing,” for?
Keith: I wrote it for the 16-40 year olds in high school or College, in the workforce, Christians and people who don’t know Christ. Moms and Dads, Ministers, ushers, pimps, lawyers, doctors, Cops, Drug Dealers, Drug Users, in a nut shell ANYONE who has dealt with rejection and it has left them stuck.
Linda: What age group(s) do you believe deals with rejection the most?
Keith: The age groups I feel that deal with rejection the most are 16-25 yrs old are a lot of times still trying to figure things out just coming into adulthood and beginning to be established.
Linda: How important was it to include David from the Book of 1 Samuel?
Keith: To me it was vital to the making of the book, David is a prominent figure in Christianity and the Bible, Who is highly regarded as the greatest King to ever live and a man after God’s own heart. To understand that rejection can happen at any level in life, or inspire of your position or closeness to God and to view the way he handled rejection.
Linda: Which chapter was the hardest to write?
Keith: The first chapter was the hardest to write, it’s the chapter that I am the most transparent regarding my personal life.
Linda: What is the main message you want readers to take from your book?
Keith: The main tool in overcoming rejection is building and sustaining a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, staying rooted and grounded in God’s word and understanding that you will be rejected but the way you handle that rejection makes all the difference.
Linda: What is next for Keith Taylor II?
Keith: I will be at “The Brics” on Sept 20th, which is in Broad Ripple (Indianapolis) and at Indy Reads Bookstore on Oct 19th, which is in downtown Indianapolis. I am also working on a new book that deals with bullying as well as working toward speaking engagements to help spread the word about the book, its content and the message behind it.
Linda: Where can readers find you?
Keith: Readers can find me on Facebook: Keith Taylor II and at my website for any updates at this time. I encourage readers to stop by and “Like” my page to learn more about upcoming events.
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