Category Archives: Christian non-fiction

Interview with Author Keith Taylor,II ” Rejected, but Still Prevailing”

Author Keith Taylor’s Response to Linda Fegins’ Interview Questions .

Linda: Tell us about yourself?

Keith: I am a Husband, Pastor, Thinker, Author, Teacher, Mentor, Business Man and World Changer. My mission is simple- Teach, Motivate, and Inspire Generations through God’s word.


Linda: Why did you feel you had to write this particular book?

Keith: I felt like I didn’t see many books that spoke on this topic that were easy to read for my generation. We don’t like thick books, were the technology generation we want to get what we need and move on. Also I had dealt with being rejected so many times and still been able to overcome I wanted to be able to help someone else do the same.

Linda: The book is about rejection, why do you feel qualified to write on this subject?


Keith: I feel what qualifies me most to write on this subject is my experience and the wisdom and knowledge I’ve gained through studying other people’s experiences with rejection as well. I also feel that God has given me a certain level of divine revelation is regards to being rejected but still being able to prevail no matter what.

Linda: Who did you write, Rejected But STILL Prevailing,” for?

Keith: I wrote it for the 16-40 year olds in high school or College, in the workforce, Christians and people who don’t know Christ. Moms and Dads, Ministers, ushers, pimps, lawyers, doctors, Cops, Drug Dealers, Drug Users, in a nut shell ANYONE who has dealt with rejection and it has left them stuck.

Linda: What age group(s) do you believe deals with rejection the most?

Keith: The age groups I feel that deal with rejection the most are 16-25 yrs old are a lot of times still trying to figure things out just coming into adulthood and beginning to be established.

Linda: How important was it to include David from the Book of 1 Samuel?

Keith: To me it was vital to the making of the book, David is a prominent figure in Christianity and the Bible, Who is highly regarded as the greatest King to ever live and a man after God’s own heart. To understand that rejection can happen at any level in life, or inspire of your position or closeness to God and to view the way he handled rejection.

Linda: Which chapter was the hardest to write?

Keith: The first chapter was the hardest to write, it’s the chapter that I am the most transparent regarding my personal life.

Linda: What is the main message you want readers to take from your book?

Keith: The main tool in overcoming rejection is building and sustaining a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, staying rooted and grounded in God’s word and understanding that you will be rejected but the way you handle that rejection makes all the difference.

Linda: What is next for Keith Taylor II?

Keith: I will be at “The Brics” on Sept 20th, which is in Broad Ripple (Indianapolis) and at Indy Reads Bookstore on Oct 19th, which is in downtown Indianapolis. I am also working on a new book that deals with bullying as well as working toward speaking engagements to help spread the word about the book, its content and the message behind it.

Linda: Where can readers find you?

Keith: Readers can find me on Facebook: Keith Taylor II and at my website for any updates at this time. I encourage readers to stop by and “Like” my page to learn more about upcoming events.
Readers can also purchase the book at,,

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Filed under Christian non-fiction

Altars of the Heart , Author April L. Minger


About The Author


April Minger was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio. After graduating from high school, April joined the United States Air Force. April works in the Insurance and Health Care fields, and also has a Master’s degree in Business, graduating with honors, and is a member of the Alpha Beta Kappa Chapter of The National Honor Society. She currently resides in Fort Drum, New York, where her husband serves on active duty as a member of the United States Army. April and her husband of eighteen years have two children.

About The Book


Do events from your past continue to play over and over in your mind? Do you feel like your relationship with God is not where it should be? Are you looking for a deeper worship experience?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I have some good news for you. The answer may seem far away, but it’s actually much closer than you think.
Altars of the Heart will take you on a journey to rediscover who you are and give you authentic tools to help you connect back to walking hand-in-hand with God through deeper worship.
The knowledge and insight that you will gain from reading this book will take you to a life of newfound liberation from insecurities, fear, doubt, shame, and un-forgiveness.
You will be encouraged to do an internal “heart” examination, to re-evaluate how you interact with others, make choices and worship the Lord.
The Word of God specifically states in the book of Hosea 4:6, that my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. I issue a challenge to you to open this book, and allow your life to experience freedom from bondage and finally discover your path to deeper worship.
Open this book, and let’s have a heart to heart conversation!

Book Review

Altars of the Heart challenges the reader to examine the hidden places of their own heart to confront issues that have stymied their spiritual growth and have blocked them from walking victoriously in every aspect of their lives. April Minger does a wonderful and sensitive job, without being preachy or theological, of showing how the condition of the heart is key to our relationship with God, living and effective fruitful life and our worship. I enjoyed the Chapter 9 “The Mind and Heart Connection”. The mind can hear the Word, but the heart has to believe it and act on it if the Word will have real effect in our lives.

This book is an interesting, with a sound biblical basis , study of how the heart affects every area of our lives. Minger presents the case to take inventory of our hearts, boldly investigate their true conditions, so that we may truly worship God in spirit and in truth and live victoriously, by applying and following biblical solutions


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Filed under Christian non-fiction

SO HE HURT YOU NOW WHAT? by Nicole Cleveland


About The Book

So He Hurt You, Now What? – Messages of Hope for a Hurting Sister is a series of short messages to encourage, uplift and inspire you. Think of a daily message you would send a friend that’s at a very low place in their life. Her husband or boyfriend just left her or she just found out of his betrayal. She’s in shock and kinda frozen….unable to move forward.
We need a voice in our ear that says… Hey Girl – You are going to make it… You are NOT alone… Let me help you get out of this pit you are currently in because you can’t stay there.

In the midst of our storm or “pity party” we need someone that’s not gonna play with us. Somebody that has no other motive but to see us be happy.

That is what you’ll get from – So He Hurt You, Now What? – Messages of Hope for a Hurting Sister

Meet The Author


Nicole Cleveland is the founder of Breathe Again Magazine and host of Breathe Again Radio & TV Show.

She has helped thousands of women extract purpose from the pain they’ve endured. She has a heart for those on the verge of giving up, like she once was. Her ministry and personal mission is to ensure people are not suffering in silence.

In 2010 she released her debut book, “So He Cheated, Now What?”, her personal testimony of overcoming an affair in her marriage; an affair that produced a child.
God is the steady rock that stays consistent in her life. Without God, nothing she does would be possible.

Interview Questions for Nicole Cleveland by Linda Fegins

Describe yourself for our visitors.
My name is Nicole Cleveland. I am founder of Breathe Again Ministries, Radio Host and author of So He Cheated, Now What? and So he Hurt You Now What?
I am a wife, mother, Minister and child of God.
I am on a mission to ensure people are no longer suffering in secret, like I once was.
People are on the verge of giving up and they need to understand how to make it.

How do you find time to connect with God?
I connect with God through prayer and reading the word of God on a daily basis.

What inspired you to write this book?
After writing my first book women would contact me about being hurt. Some from infidelity but many just from being hurt. Pain is pain. I would minister to these women via the phone and made sure I took time with them. Sometimes all we need is a listening ear and an encouraging word. That’s why I wrote this book. I wrote it to encourage my sisters.

Who are your favorite authors and why?? Favorite books?
Vanessa Miller, Kendra Norman, Joyce Meyer, Bishop T.D. Jakes
I have many favorite books. The Rain Series by Vanessa Miller is one of my favorites.

Tell us about your journey to publication.
I always knew I would write a book. I just didn’t know what type of book.
Writing has always been therapy to me. I took pen to paper to share my story to help others.

Tell us about your current book?
“So He Hurt You Now What?” is the follow up to my first book. Many people go through various types of “hurts “in their relationship and it’s not just from infidelity. Pain is pain regardless of how it was inflicted.
“So He Hurt You Now What?” speaks to that woman that’s in shock over the hurt or the betrayal. They are stuck and not sure which way to go. This book says, “Ok, they hurt you, let’s deal with the hurt but let’s continue to live your life. We need you”

How did you come up with ideas for this book?
The messages are messages I would have wanted to hear in the midst of my storm. The book ministered to me, even while writing. I lost my mother in the midst of completing this book and the words, scriptures and prayers blessed me during some difficult days.

What valuable lessons do you want readers to learn from your book?
“Yes, they may have hurt you and they may have even left you. But that is not the end of you. We need you to get yourself together and live. “

What’s next for you?
Christian Fiction
Where can visitors find you online?
When did you begin to realize you wanted to write?
I always knew I wanted to write, I just didn’t know it would be my personal testimonies.


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Filed under Christian non-fiction, Inspirational