Category Archives: Inspirational

Love Does


Happy Holidays

Each loving act says loud and clear, “I love you. God loves you. I care. God cares.”
Beloved let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God for God is love. 1 John 4:7-8
During this Holiday Season of joy , celebration and gathering with family and friends(and really all the year) remember those grieving from lost(divorce, death, rejection, failure) and suffering from illness and depression. Pray for the poor and lonely . This time of year is often depressing to some. Pray for them and then—- DO. Give a smile, a hug, an encouraging word, a touch, a donation, feed them, a visit, provide support and resources. We are God’s ambassadors created to do good works.( Ephesians 2:10) #doalovingact #TellsomeoneGodlovesthem

Linda Fegins

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Filed under Inspirational

Soul Posts 30 Days of Inspiration by Bryetta Calloway


Write Now Literary is pleased to present Soul Post 30 Days of Inspiration with Author Bryetta Calloway on her book release tour November 17, 2016.

Genre:  Inspirational/Self-Help

Publication Date: November 21, 2016

Paperback: 92 pages

Publisher: Bryetta Calloway (October 23, 2016)

ISBN-10: 0692797661

ISBN-13: 978-0692797662

About the Book


Soul Posts features the most powerful and popular Soul Stuff posts from Singer, Actress, and Writer Bryetta Calloway, featuring never-before-published posts from her ever-growing blog ( for women of faith, women who create, and women who lead. From her work as an artist and creative, Bryetta has built an online community that is becoming a must-join relevant space for women who consider themselves artists, believers, and creative entrepreneurs. With her pointed yet poetically gilded prose, growing presence on stages across the country, and original music she has cultivated a unique point-of-view that resonates with every fan following her across multiple digital platforms. Through social media (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook), Bryetta connects with her fellow creatives on a daily basis, sharing insights of her life with her posts, videos, and images. For the first time in print, this book presents some of Bryetta’s fav orite Soul Stuff posts in one volume—from her advice for “Winners Who Quit” to her clarion call to foster “Hope in a Time of Cynicism” and cultivating “Community over Contention: The Fight Against Female Jealousy”—she provides readers with a raw and honest look into the musings of her soul in an effort to empower you to share yours.


About the Author


A Singer, Actress, and Writer Bryetta Calloway is happily following wherever her inspiration leads. Her love of faith, art and social connection has Bryetta creating and documenting regularly, both in the digital space and in person. Soul Posts is a tribute to every innovatHER, creatHER, and leadHER who has joined her on the Soul Stuff journey.


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Hope is My Birthright, Not A Feeling.

Emotions can become so intense and overwhelming that you will feel pulled undertow by the sheer weight of them. Sadness covers you, fear tracks your every step, frustration pushes against you, stress seems to smother you. You feel surrounded, backed into a corner. Your fight or flight response kicks in like wounded prey. No matter that nothing appears to have changed, or maybe BECAUSE NOTHING seems to have changed. Whatever the impetus, you feel the rhythm of your heart uptick as you paddle against the waves of hopelessness. Desperate to seek an intravenous injection of hope. You turn your head away from the world, and you go chasing after that feeling of relief, assuredness, security. Desperate to find respite from the noise of everyday life.

The Hebrew word for hope ‘batah’ has the meaning of confidence, security, and being without care; not the blasé unsure “I sure hope so” that we have come to toss out when we are tentative and unsteady to believe. One of the most famous scriptures known to believers and non, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) Shapes the formula for Christian hope and it’s necessary relationship to faith. When we know that our hope is birthed and secure in the confidence that comes when we have faith, certainty and no doubt, that God is watching over His Word, alert and attentive to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12) we fall victim to feelings of hopelessness less easily. Because we know that God has promised,

“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace: The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:11-12) our hope has firm roots in the promises of God.

Therefore hope is not an emotion or a feeling to be sought after. It is our reality. It is grounded in our certainty that God is who He says He is. That every promise is founded on the unshakable character of God. Unwavering, never changing, and oh so faithful. Don’t let the pull of circumstances, stress, and emotions succeed in perverting the truth of God. The definition of pervert means to alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended. The enemy of our very souls has endeavored to subvert, twist, and contort the authenticity of our birthright as children of God. It is his hope that we will be so deceived by external variables that we will go seeking for in the external what is inherent to our nature. Hope, peace, love, and an expected end through Christ Jesus.

Be encouraged that there is no situation, circumstance, or problem that will ever alter, shift, or change the promises of God for you. Don’t lose hope Beloved, our God is faithful.


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Tour hosted by Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours

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Filed under Inspirational

What is the Natural Thing to Do?


Many woman of color are concerned about their hair and make sure that it is attractive or “laid” at all times. Meiah Shaun’s Marvelous Are Thy Works covers the topics of self love, natural beauty and natural hair empowerment. Fatima is the owner of All Natural Hair Salon along with a friend and her cousin. An entrepreneur, she wants to expand into other business ventures for her salon. She desires to empower African American women to accept and wear their natural hair by motivational speaking about the natural hair movement. Her partners, however, do not embrace her vision of traveling around the country to spread the message. They each have a vision of their own. Fatima wants to be married and is concerned that her boyfriend of five years is consumed with his corporate career and has not discussed marriage. Many professional women have to determine what they will settle for in matters of the heart. Will she just accept the relationship in its stagnate state or allow her business partners to hamper her dreams? Will she press toward achieving her dreams?

Marvelous Are Thy Works by Meiah Shaun was not just about encouraging woman to wear their natural hair without chemicals. The story is about empowering women to walk in their purpose, to love themselves and to embrace the dreams God has placed in their heart. It is about accepting different visions among friends, yet being true to your purpose and having the faith and courage to step outside of your comfort zone. The characters and their issues are real and women will easily identify with the issues that arise in the story. Marvelous Are Thy Works is an interesting read for women as a source of empowerment and self-esteem building. It would be a good book for a woman’s group discussion on issues of friendship, pursuing your dreams and self-esteem.
Review by Linda Fegins

About The Author
Meiah Shaun is an inspirational author and freelance writer. She is a graduate of LeTourneau University. She is a native of Orange, Texas and currently resides in Plano, Texas.
Meiah Shaun is the author of Marvelous Are Thy Works, a novella. Meiah Shaun has a special interest in empowering African American women to self love and to embrace their natural hair. She and her twin sister rock Sisterlocks. Her fraternal twin sister is thirteen minutes older than her.
Meiah Shaun is featured on as a platinum level author penning articles on numerous topics such as inspirational, spirituality, goal setting to shopping and product reviews.
Meiah Shaun enjoys writing, reading, cooking, jazz music and making scrapbooks.

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The Shift by Melissa Ann Ricks Virtual Book Tours


About The Book

There is a sense of urgency in the atmosphere as God is transitioning what the world has deemed impossible and unbelievable into the possible and the believable. Don’t be alarmed by the “sudden” moves of God.
Pastor Douglass and his family have been positioned for such a move but because of the dense fog of deception that seems to surround them, some in the Douglass family have created their own beliefs, fabricating their own sense of self; negating the truth, God’s truth, even when truth is staring them in the face. They, like many, are living lives devoid of the knowledge of who they really are and robbing themselves and those they love of their true identity and freedom. Deeply embedded lies from enemy have blinded eyes, impaired hearing and hardened hearts and Angels from the army of God have been deployed. The assignment: the execution of God’s divine design. Dreams, supernatural revelation and actual attacks from man’s ultimate foe will expose all and confirm God’s plan for Xion, Veronica, Zeborah, Bo and Pastor Douglas. Can they handle the truth and surrender? Will the infrastructure of unbelief crumble? The lives of the Douglass family will never be the same and neither will you, because of THE SHIFT !

About The Author


M. Ann Ricks, (Melissa Ann), is a Christian Fiction novelist residing in Bear, Delaware with her excellent husband and two awesome sons. She is a graduate of Rider University and formerly a national accounts insurance executive. Using Jesus Christ as her example, as He shared many parables, she creates stories with fictional characters that contend with real life issues and inserts the Word of God to communicate the genuine and unfailing love of God while making it abundantly clear that Jesus is the ONLY answer. M. Ann is determined to tell the world how wonderfully awesome Jesus Christ is and can be in our lives if we just allow Him to be. She is honored to be used by God to spread His message with the stories she creates with the leading of the Holy Spirit, knowing that He will provide her with stories and the insight that will lift up the name of Jesus as He promised that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men to Him. She is the author Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance, The Son and THE BLOOD DONE SIGNED MY NAME.

Book Review by Linda Fegins

Author Melissa Ricks’ awesome and life changing story ,THE SHIFT, is a dynamic ,engaging story that unapologetically is Biblically based, and firmly, yet lovingly points you to follow the ways of Jesus Christ and to lay aside every weight and sin. It is powerful, yet not preachy or doctrinal. It is a story of unconditional love, faith, forgiveness and knowing who you are in Christ. The story and life like characters were engrossing. We observe the spiritual battleground between the Holy Spirit and the enemy who goes around attempting to keep the characters bound to negative lifestyles and in a state of feeling unloved and stuck by using lies,secrets, discouragement, shame, and feelings of self-hatred. We see how the truth of God’s Word, love and prayer works in the lives of people to lead them to Jesus and freeing them of the bondage that has held them captive for years. The story addresses issues that people and the church skirt around.

This was an awesome story of faith and unconditional love with a touch of romance. Ricks powerfully and effectively used the characters to demonstrate how powerful and necessary prayer is and how God responds when we pray sincerely. I loved this story. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and cannot wait to recommend THE SHIFT to my book club.

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Describe yourself for our visitors.

Hello Linda! I’m M. Ann Ricks, a woman, redeemed and set free by the life-giving and life-changing blood of Jesus Christ. I’m a wife, mother, Christian Fiction novelist and “Godspirational” speaker, endeavoring to live for Christ ON PURPOSE as a literary vessel, providing Christian literature that will not only entertain but encourage, enlighten, emancipate and prayerfully restore!

How do you find time to connect with God?
Life is most certainly busy for all of us but I have come to realize that I must make time with God a priority. Spending time with Him is a necessity especially for those of us who need to hear from Him to write effectively. Sometimes, I simply sit on the side of my bed and just tell Him how wonderful He is! I thank Him for His protection and the protection over my family. Should mornings not be opportune, I take long showers. I know it seems crazy but I simply stand in the shower. I talk to him briefly, am then quiet immersing myself in the water and His presence and just listen. Time to connect with God is of the essence!

What inspired you to write this book?

So many are believing the lies of the enemy. Although stating that they are Christians, many are still in bondage. They have yet to be delivered from fear, shame, guilt and even rebellion. Jesus is waiting. He hasn’t forgotten about us regardless of how far we’ve strayed and His love is unending. He is an EVER present in the times of our greatest challenge. Hearts have been broken and even hardened as a result of the enemy’s lies. It’s time for the eyes and hearts of the hurt and confused to be opened so that they can truly experience the freedom and power that being a true and unapologetic follower of Christ affords. We need to pray, act and believe that the eyes and hearts of the hurt and confused to be opened so that people can truly experience the freedom and power that being a true and unapologetic follower of Christ affords.

Who are your favorite authors and why?? Favorite books?

J. California Cooper is one of my favorite authors. She is a master storyteller and a writer that succeeds in making the reader an active participant in her stories .The Wake of the Wind written by Ms. Cooper is one of my all time favorite novels. Michele Andrea Bowen is my unofficial literary mentor. I love her and her books as she isn’t afraid of sharing the truth of God’s word! She is a bold sister in Christ! Her approachability, honesty and imagination is a blessing! (Church Folk and Holy Ghost Corner) Frank Peretti is also one of my favorite authors as he truly has the gift to share with his reader what is transpiring in the supernatural. His books have blessed me as they have provided much spiritual insight. (The Oath, Piercing the Darkness)

Tell us about your journey to publication.

Inwardly, I knew that I was not destined to be a “corporate woman” and when my position was eliminated, I had inkling that it was God-ordained, at least for me. Years prior to this event, I’d resolved to reconnect with the Master and sought to draw nigh to Him. I don’t think I would have been able to really hear God if I hadn’t been reconnected to Him. “Tell the world about Me with the words I will give you,” is what I heard. Believing that God would give me the words, I began to write my first book; Awesome Wonder: The Gift of Remembrance. My husband said something that enables me to write with confidence; “If God told you to write, then write, and stand on His promises.” I’m so excited and honored to be used by God to spread His message with the stories that I create. I will continue to do so for as long as He provides me with the stories and the words that will draw all men to Him.

Tell us about your current book?

I’ll let the synopsis peak your interest… There is a sense of urgency in the atmosphere as God is transitioning what the world has deemed impossible and unbelievable into the possible and the believable. Pastor Douglass and his family have been chosen for such a supernatural transition but because of the dense fog of deception that seems to surround them, some in the Douglass family have created their own beliefs, fabricating their own sense of self; negating the truth, God’s truth, even when truth is staring them in the face. They, like many, are living lives devoid of the knowledge of who they really are and robbing themselves and those they love of their true identity and freedom. Deeply embedded lies from enemy have blinded eyes, impaired hearing and hardened hearts and Angels from the army of God have been deployed. Dreams, supernatural revelation and actual attacks from man’s ultimate foe will expose all and confirm God’s plan for Xion, Veronica, Zeborah, Bo and Pastor Douglas. Can they handle the truth and surrender? The lives of the Douglass family will never be the same and neither will you, because of THE SHIFT!”

How did you come up with ideas for this book?

Honestly, as I began to write THE SHIFT, the ideas just started flowing. I’ve always wanted to incorporate the truth of the supernatural into my writing. I want people to see past what they can physically visualize in the “natural”. Knowing that there is underlying spiritual aspect to everything that one may encounter is essential. Believe it or not, I had a totally different premise…. But GOD! He knows what He’s doing and I’m learning to be obedient.  There’s nothing like the HOLY SPIRIT! Each idea for THE SHIFT was a divine whisper.

What valuable lessons do you want readers to learn from your book?

We have the awesome opportunity to be everything God says we are because of Jesus’ unstoppable and unshakable affection towards us. He can fastrack, (hence, THE SHIFT) our lives into ones of true purpose. Lives that will give Him glory! All He desires is a YES!

Where can visitors find you online?

Please feel free to visit my website and, You may find my novels on all online literary establishments. (i.e.: / For speaking engagement, Literary Dialogues and book club gatherings, please feel free to contact me directly using: I have an Author’s Page on Facebook: M. Ricks Literary Creations.

When did you begin to realize you wanted to write?

I have always enjoyed and had an interest in the art of writing. It was a “hidden love” for many years. Not until the pregnancy of my eldest son did I feel a need to unearth my hidden love and write. When I resolved to reconnect with the Master and sought to draw nigh to Him, did the desire to write become stronger and strangely, to my surprise, an urgent need. I realized that this could be my way of bringing souls into the Kingdom of God. Writing and inserting the word of God can in many cases transport you into the presence of God and that’s what I would love to share with all who read my stories.

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SO HE HURT YOU NOW WHAT? by Nicole Cleveland


About The Book

So He Hurt You, Now What? – Messages of Hope for a Hurting Sister is a series of short messages to encourage, uplift and inspire you. Think of a daily message you would send a friend that’s at a very low place in their life. Her husband or boyfriend just left her or she just found out of his betrayal. She’s in shock and kinda frozen….unable to move forward.
We need a voice in our ear that says… Hey Girl – You are going to make it… You are NOT alone… Let me help you get out of this pit you are currently in because you can’t stay there.

In the midst of our storm or “pity party” we need someone that’s not gonna play with us. Somebody that has no other motive but to see us be happy.

That is what you’ll get from – So He Hurt You, Now What? – Messages of Hope for a Hurting Sister

Meet The Author


Nicole Cleveland is the founder of Breathe Again Magazine and host of Breathe Again Radio & TV Show.

She has helped thousands of women extract purpose from the pain they’ve endured. She has a heart for those on the verge of giving up, like she once was. Her ministry and personal mission is to ensure people are not suffering in silence.

In 2010 she released her debut book, “So He Cheated, Now What?”, her personal testimony of overcoming an affair in her marriage; an affair that produced a child.
God is the steady rock that stays consistent in her life. Without God, nothing she does would be possible.

Interview Questions for Nicole Cleveland by Linda Fegins

Describe yourself for our visitors.
My name is Nicole Cleveland. I am founder of Breathe Again Ministries, Radio Host and author of So He Cheated, Now What? and So he Hurt You Now What?
I am a wife, mother, Minister and child of God.
I am on a mission to ensure people are no longer suffering in secret, like I once was.
People are on the verge of giving up and they need to understand how to make it.

How do you find time to connect with God?
I connect with God through prayer and reading the word of God on a daily basis.

What inspired you to write this book?
After writing my first book women would contact me about being hurt. Some from infidelity but many just from being hurt. Pain is pain. I would minister to these women via the phone and made sure I took time with them. Sometimes all we need is a listening ear and an encouraging word. That’s why I wrote this book. I wrote it to encourage my sisters.

Who are your favorite authors and why?? Favorite books?
Vanessa Miller, Kendra Norman, Joyce Meyer, Bishop T.D. Jakes
I have many favorite books. The Rain Series by Vanessa Miller is one of my favorites.

Tell us about your journey to publication.
I always knew I would write a book. I just didn’t know what type of book.
Writing has always been therapy to me. I took pen to paper to share my story to help others.

Tell us about your current book?
“So He Hurt You Now What?” is the follow up to my first book. Many people go through various types of “hurts “in their relationship and it’s not just from infidelity. Pain is pain regardless of how it was inflicted.
“So He Hurt You Now What?” speaks to that woman that’s in shock over the hurt or the betrayal. They are stuck and not sure which way to go. This book says, “Ok, they hurt you, let’s deal with the hurt but let’s continue to live your life. We need you”

How did you come up with ideas for this book?
The messages are messages I would have wanted to hear in the midst of my storm. The book ministered to me, even while writing. I lost my mother in the midst of completing this book and the words, scriptures and prayers blessed me during some difficult days.

What valuable lessons do you want readers to learn from your book?
“Yes, they may have hurt you and they may have even left you. But that is not the end of you. We need you to get yourself together and live. “

What’s next for you?
Christian Fiction
Where can visitors find you online?
When did you begin to realize you wanted to write?
I always knew I wanted to write, I just didn’t know it would be my personal testimonies.


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Filed under Christian non-fiction, Inspirational