On this Marvelous Miraculous Manifestation Monday, praise God for His unfathomable love for you!What is your expectation for this week, month , and year? Think Big. Do Big. Think Victory! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits.
This is the year of victory for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020!! Greater works. Move Forward in 2020. Pursue. Overtake. Expect Victory 1Corn 15:57. Expect Greater. Pray Big. Eph. 3:20.
Even if things are not what you want for now, shout for joy with Praise now, because you have a God that can “work it out” by working all things –good ,bad and ugly together for your good (Rom. 8:28-30) if you believe. God is amazing and can “ fix it”, bring you through ,will never leave you ,will help see you through and He listens and answers prayer.
Believe and obey His Word. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Keep praying, pressing forth and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart. Don’t be afraid to shine with love and the spirit of excellence.
Dream Big. Write down the goals that you want to accomplish this week, the month and for the year. We discussed the importance of writing goals last week. Review that article. Write down your personal, fiancial, spiritual and career goals. Or just write down 3 things you want to accomplish this month or year and make them SMART. Read again the article from last week.
Linda Fegins, “The Prayer Leader”, Ldfaygo@gmail.com
Isaiah 32:8 says, “The noble man makes noble plans.”
Proverbs 16:3 promises, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”
Can you believe we are looking at the year 2020? We are embarking upon a whole new decade! Have you taken the time to write your goals for the New Year? Have you taken the time to write down the goals and steps you will take to achieve them? We do not want to have any regrets about not accomplishing our goals for this 2020. You may not have written your goals earlier, but it is not too late for “mapping out your goals for 2020”.Start now and follow the practical suggestions at the end of the article.
What are your goals and what actions will you take to achieve your goals in the New Year? So I am asking you and I am challenging myself too, write your goals. I challenge you to write at least what three goals (but strive to write all of them as much as possible) you will set for this year and what actions will you take to achieve them.
Goals are a must for any person who desires to accomplish something great. Planning is a part of the process of truly successful people.
Without a plan, you will not be able to achieve much, because of broken focus. Creating goals is valuable for it helps one to focus upon the attaining of that particular purpose, which is important to the dreamer.
Goals are important because they help to steady the mind upon the pursuit of the thing desired, until it is realized. And it is well worth it to begin the New Year right, with a set of goals which can motivate and catapult you in the direction of the attainment of a worthy course, the fulfillment of your dream.
What are goals? Simply put, goals are the stepping stones to reach a destination which you desire to fulfill. Goals are not just the dream in your heart, but rather, they serve as the plan, the how to, the path you need to walk, day by day, to the realization of that dream.
Your dream may be to attain a certain position in the company you work for. Or it may be to make more money in your chosen profession. Then again, your dream may be to start your own business or to raise the level of your business to another level. Your dream may be to have a better relationship with your family or to be a better speaker, teacher, preacher, or worker. Your goals can be spiritual such as to increase your prayer life and to develop an intimate relationship with the Lord.
The Bible encourages us to write our goals. Isaiah 32:8 says, “The noble man makes noble plans.” Proverbs 16:3 promises, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” We should have dreams and set goals to reach the dreams, but remember that God holds the authority to say “yea” or “nay”-veto power: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”. (Proverbs 19:2)
Regardless of the dream, you need to set goals based upon that dream, and then take action immediately, working that plan day by day, until the goals are reached and the desire becomes a reality. Here are a few tips for the attaining of any goal.
Set the goals based upon the dream in your heart.
Write your goals down. Write them in such a way that is clear and focused. This may take time, but the clearer the vision, the better it is to walk it out.
Make the steps to the attaining of the goal as practical as possible. This may involve asking others for their advice, who are more knowledgeable than you are. Do not neglect to do this because in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Getting advise from others may save you valuable time and money.
Make the goals practical enough to work them daily. This will give you motivation to act on your goals.
Write down specific action items you must undertake to accomplish your goal in a manner that will help you to measure your progress. Make the steps to the attaining of the goal as practical as possible. Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. — Specific (not just lose weight, but instead “lose 35 pounds”); Measurable (How will you know when the goal has been accomplished by how much or how many?); Attainable (Goal too out of reach may not be completed. 20lbs a week vs 4 lbs a week for the first two weeks ); Realistic (“never eat chocolate again” — , but better to say limit it to one day a week!); and Timely (set a date – If no date there is no commitment).
Take immediate action. Master procrastination. Once your goals are set, begin to implement them right away. Do not wait on a feeling to get going. The feelings will come more and more, as you reach one goal after another. So don’t wait on a feeling. Start NOW.
Believe in yourself. God created you a valuable person, with gifts, talents and the ability to make things happen. So believe in God, Who believes in you, and believe in yourself and what He has given to you. You can do it. You can attain it. You can handle the challenges which are sure to come. Believe in yourself. And believe that God will always be there to help you.
Persist. There is no other word as vital to your success as persistence. It will overcome every barrier, leap over every hurdle, knock down any giant, remove each resistance and enable you to fulfill the dream of your heart. Persist. Keep at it. Never give up and never cave in. Keep on keeping on. You are bound to hit the mark if you never stop trying.
Read a chapter from the Book of Proverbs in the BIBLE each day. This Book from God’s Holy Word is filled with practical insights which govern true success and is sure to help you, encourage you and motivate you to be your best.
Practical pointers 1-4 and 6-9 are from Pam Perry and Sheldon D. Newton Newton is an inspirational and motivational speaker, teacher, pastor and seminar lecturer. He is the author of various life-transforming books including: Refuse to Live the Common Life, The Positive Power of Biblical Affirmations, Visit his website at: http://www.sheldondnewtonministries.org/
Ministry marketing pioneer, social media strategist and PR Coach Pam Perry helps Christian authors garner publicity and leverage online strategies. As a 20-year PR veteran, she is also the co-author of “Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry.” For a free MP3 of “What Every Author Should Know,” go to http://www.PamPerryPR.com/.
It’s mid-January, and for many of us, that means we are tempted to quit (or already have!) whatever resolutions we made. It’s not too late. In fact, now is the time to lay a solid foundation for 2018, resolutions kept or not.
Get organized
New Year’s resolutions can’t get you very far if you don’t have a plan in place for how to achieve them. I regularly use calendars to keep myself organized — a wall calendar, a planner etc. It really doesn’t matter what system you have as long as you have one. Remember, if it’s not written down, it usually doesn’t happen.
Write down your goals
Just as your to-do list is less likely to be completed if it isn’t written down, your goals for the year are the same. People who write down their goals and dreams on a regular basis achieve their desires at a significantly higher level than those who did not. Dr. Gail Matthews found that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams simply by writing them down on a regular basis. Start with the top 10 things you want to accomplish this year. Write it as if it’s already happened.
“I am so grateful I ____________________ this year.”
Make a development plan
Once you have goals you should clarify who you need to become in order to accomplish the goals. In exploring who you need to become you should identify three specific skills/competencies you must master to make it happen. Now, collect everything on that topic and commit to studying that one topic each quarter. The best way to increase your knowledge is to schedule it on your calendar as a 15–20-minute block to read or listen to something educational.
Set a routine
Setting routines is a key to achieving your goals. There’s a saying if you want to change, change something you do daily. Think about what you need to do in order to reach your goal. For example, if you want to be healthier, you’ll need to make changes to your daily habits in nutrition and exercise. Try exercising at the same time every day or keep a water bottle on your desk. Whatever you decide, tie the habit to something you would be doing anyway, like take a sip from the water bottle every time you check email.
Choose a life theme
We become what we focus on, so it’s important to continually turn your attention to what you want to achieve. A simple, yet powerful, way to do this is to determine one word or phrase that sums up what you want to accomplish or who you want to be. For example, if part of your development plan is to speak up in meetings when you have ideas, a phrase to try is “be bold.” The next time you walk into a meeting, repeat the phrase to yourself and picture what it would look like and sound like to be bold. Before you know it, you’ll naturally show up bold in the meetings.
See you at the top!
Dee Marshall
@DeeCMarshall, Event Host
Certified Life Coach, International Speaker, Published Author, TV Lifestyle Contributor, Influencer, Ministry Leader, Doctor of Philosophy, Entrepreneur, Business Woman, United State of Women Nominated Change Maker, Real Estate Investor, Wall Street Alumni, Obama White House, Fire Starter, Cheerleader, Daughter of The King, Prayer Warrior, Bible-Doing Teacher, Hope Dealer, 911 Survivor,