Tag Archives: Martin Luther King

Jesse A. Cole, Jr.- A Man of Valor Teaches Young Males to Walk Like a King

 Jesse Cole Author of  Walking Like A King  Interviews with  Linda Fegins

This month we celebrate Father’s Day. We honour fathers, who may not be perfect, but who love their children, train their children, protect their children and have good relationships with their children. We thank God for earthly fathers who are loving, kind, protective, wise,  and who walk  humbly, yet with power and grace. We also thank God for men who serve as mentors, leaders and father figures to young men who may not have a relationship with their father.

Jesse A. Cole, Jr. while not a father yet, has stepped up to the challenge of  training and working with young males to provide guidance and direction.  Cole’s book Walk Like A King: The Young Man’s Guide To Conquering The World was written specifically with the young man in mind  to answer questions about: Integrity, Self-Control, Goal Setting, Love, Personal Hygiene, Spirituality, Community Service and Education. The book addresses real life issues with practicality and offers clearly outlined solutions from a male perspective. The imbedded workbook gives the reader an immediate opportunity to implement what they’ve learned and they can track their development with ease.



About the Author

 Respected as “a voice for today’s generation”, Jesse has proven that he is a thought leader and a source of substance. He has published several books on personal development and executive produced the Maximize Your Greatness dvd project. Jesse uses his influence to help teenagers live the type of life that is far above what they could ever imagine. His message helps youth to transform their attitude, boost their self-esteem, overcome peer pressure and enhance their leadership ability. For over a decade, Jesse has worked as a youth counselor, basketball coach, and certified deputy instructor. His motto is K.I.N.G: Keep Investing In The Next Generation.

1. Jesse what inspired  you to write this book?

I was inspired to write the book by the lack of male presence in the lives of the young men I work with. They are so hungry for direction and it seemed as if they were receiving little guidance, so I figured that I would step in and fill that void.


2. Tell me the significance in the title of the book.

There are multiple layers to why I chose this title.  At the time that I was writing this book, Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday was approaching, Black History month was a few months away and I was also thinking about the men who had deposited into my life. Also, our young men need to feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves, and a king represents not only royalty, but power. So in essence, I’m telling the young men that they have the ability to walk in power. I was meditating on all of these things and the title just presented itself. After that, I created the outline and finished writing the book within 30 days of having the title.


3. What in your experience has lead you to want to help young men walk like kings?

I have had the privilege of seeing my father and other great men walk out there manhood before me. I’ve seen them at their highest points as well as their lowest. And the way they handles the pressure of manhood was kingly. Because of their examples, I am able to do the same and deposit back into the next generation of young kings.


4. Identify your favorite writer/writers and why.

My all time favorite writer is King David and Solomon. There is so much wisdom in Psalms and Proverbs.  All of the writers that I read today (John Maxwell, T.D. Jakes, David Cottrell, Russell Simmons, Daymond John, Dave Ramsey) all have traces of King David and Solomon in their writing. 


5. What advice would you give new writers?

The advice I would give new writers is to stay true to your core values, be creative with no apologies and never be afraid to learn something new, take risk. 


6. What are two great marketing tips/strategies you have learned to apply?

I have learned to never be afraid to not do what everyone else is doing. Think outside the book, Yes, I said “book”. When it comes to marketing, there is no blueprint, just ideas that have worked for other people. Find the “purple cow” in this gumbo pot we call marketing/promotion. The purple cow is the idea that no one else ever thought of, but it works great for you.


Book Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=esdV4nRLiWs#t=27s


Jesse Cole

Teen Life Strategist



“What you want to become depends on your willingness to become it.” 

 – Jesse A. Cole, Jr.





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