Tag Archives: PR Coach

5 Smart Reasons Why Authors Should Hire a PR Coach Instead of a Publicist

Pam Perry  Publisher | Award-winning Social Media Marketing Strategist | Podcaster

Have you considered hiring a publicist but their fees are way out of your price range?

Do you need a publicist but you’ve heard the horror stories of “I paid my retainers and got nothing?”

Regardless of the fact that this may all be true, at some point people need to know about your business other than by word of mouth. Publicity has served and still today is the best avenue in getting the word out.

My company, Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc., has done full service PR campaigns for the most well-known Christian publishers and authors in the nation from Bishop TD Jakes, Pastor Bill Winston, Taffi Dollar, Pastor Rudy Rasmus, the late Dr. Myles Monroe and Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook + more but we also teach and mentor authors to be their own publicist – to build their platform, brand their ministry.

In our program, we coach you step by step, exactly how to do your own publicity and branding just like the pros. You actually become the publicist for your book and build your “brand” to get media hits and speaking gigs.


Let’s check out these 5 reasons why you may want to consider

The Branding Accelerator Program:

#1 – Cost This is the number one reason many authors have turned to PR & Brand Building coaching. The usual fees for a publicist range from $2,500-$5,000+ a month, depending on the publicist and the number of hours required to publicize the business or ministry.

#2 – Customized Plan When you work with a PR coach, your publicity plan is customized just for your book/ministry/business, not some template. We give feed back!

#3 – Media Savvy You will learn everything there is to know about the various forms of media and how to get your business or ministry noticed by them. We give you real media contacts and show you how to find your own too. (Unheard of in the industry).

#4 – Online Tips and Tricks You will learn how to leverage twitter, pinterest, facebook, instagram, youtube, blogs, linkedin and more to build your brand and sell more books. Create online relationships that turn into customers and ministry partners. Learning these free online marketing tools will save you thousands of dollars.

#5 – Platform Building In today’s society there is more than just publicity. You can get leads online via social media marketing, speaking, traditional media…we give you a strategy using all three – easily. It’s all about strategy and having the right resources and vendors. That’s what we teach and give to pull it all together.

So as you see, hiring a PR Coach is a great alternative to hiring a publicist or a public relations firm.

For more info go to: www.BrandingAcceleratorProgram.com

to see what others have said about the program’s results!

It is a self-paced program so you don’t have worry if you can’t make the exact date/times – you set your own schedule. The webinars are recorded and delivered to you via a private portal and you have lifetime access! You get the PR Power Pack workbook, templates, resources, real life examples, guest experts from the media industry, and checklists plus worksheets.

How simple is that!?

Pam Perry, pamperrypr.com

Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. – Publisher of Speakers Magazine


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