Tag Archives: Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals

National Day of Prayer May 3, 2012 by Linda Fegins

Today, May 3, 2012, is the 61st annual National Day of Prayer(NDP). Millions will unite in prayer at thousands of events from coast to coast. This year’s theme, One Nation Under God, is based on Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” 

 The  NDP emphasizes prayer for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family (I Timothy 2:1-6). Pray for each of the areas .For guidance in how to pray for these areas see http://ladyofprayer.com/national-day-of-prayer-god-is-our-refuge-psalm-912

President Obama has recognized the importance the role prayer has played in shaping the nation and its leaders. In discussing the  National Day of Prayer last year in 2011, President Obama proclaimed:

“Let us be thankful for the liberty that allows people of all faiths to worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience, and let us be thankful for the many other freedoms and blessings that we often take for granted.

“I invite all citizens of our Nation, as their own faith or conscience directs them, to join me in giving thanks for the many blessings we enjoy, and I ask all people of faith to join me in asking God for guidance, mercy and protection for our Nation.”

Let us continue to pray for our nation in prayer gatherings and in our homes. God throughout His Word tells us to pray that He may heal our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Legal and  attacks have been raised seeking the demise of this nation recognizing a National Day of Prayer. Last year was a significant milestone as on April 14, 2011 the 7th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a lawsuit that challenged the National Day of Prayer (NDP) as unconstitutional. The court overturned the April 2010 ruling by U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb, for the Western District of Wisconsin, that NDP violates the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. Two groups that represent a large percentage of atheists, the American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition of America, seek to combat the National Day of Prayer by promoting the “National Day of Reason, which is held on the first Thursday of May each year, the same day  the National Day of Prayer is recognized. Rep. Pete Stark, a California Democrat, has sponsored a proclamation on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives giving his support to the cause and as an alternative for atheist Americans to celebrate “reason,” as opposed to prayer.

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