Tag Archives: choices


About the Book

The purpose of this book is to teach you how to transform your life. While this book is no substitute for the Word of God (The Bible), let this be a guide that simply helps you gain a deeper understanding of what God is trying to impart in all of us.
Change Beyond The Pain will help you discover:
• True healing comes from allowing God to transform your life
• You do not have to revert back to the same cycle of hurt, anger, fear and depression
• God has a plan for your life
• There is power and purpose in your pain
This book will teach you how to move beyond accepting change to embracing transformation. So, if you are seeking restoration, grab your Bible, this book, and open your heart and watch the transformation begin.

About the Author


Monifa Robinson Groover, a native of New York City, moved to Teaneck, New Jersey with her family at the tender age of twelve. Upon graduation from Teaneck High School, Monifa obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Clark Atlanta University (Atlanta, GA), as well as a Master of Social Work Degree from Smith College School of Social Work (Northampton, MA). After relocating to Atlanta, Georgia, and extensive work in the field of social services, she obtained a Master of Public Administration Degree with a concentration in Management from Troy State University (Atlanta, GA).

Monifa has devoted her life to helping others see the potential that lies within them. Having provided a number of services for diverse populations including but not limited to perpetrators of sexual crimes, individuals faced with substance abuse challenges and individuals in the criminal justice system; as well as having coached women entrepreneurs, her experience has taught her that neither position nor status dictate the level of pain and misfortune one may encounter. It was at this time she realized the call on her life was much greater.

In 2003 she released her first book entitled “Within Your Reach, Inspiration That Quiets the Mind and Soothes the Soul”. (ISBN: 1-930231-03-2). This book is filled with devotions that shows people how to strategically turn their pain into gain, tragedy into triumph and victimization into victorious living. She released her second book entitled “Change Beyond The Pain” in 2012 (ISBN: 978-0-9836776-0-4). This book provides a more in-depth look at how individuals can use the Word of God to transform their lives. It also shows them how to begin moving beyond the blows that life may sometimes deal.
Monifa has been called by God to help others reach their God-given potential. Her duty is to equip others with the proper tools and resources to move beyond their circumstances and live healthier and more productive lives, which she believes can only be found when one has a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Her personal journey, combined with her education and work experience, and most importantly her relationship with Jesus Christ, collectively play a vital role in the work she passionately does today. She resides in Savannah, Georgia and is a faithful member of New Covenant Holiness Church #3, located in Savannah, Georgia, where her beloved husband, Jamie Groover is pastor.

Email Address: customerservice@withinyourreach.org

Website www.withinyourreach.org

Twitter link https://twitter.com/WYRMinistries

Facebook link https://www.facebook.com/pages/Within-Your-Reach/157157084325867

Amazon link http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=change+beyond+the+pain+monifa+robinson+groover&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Achange+beyond+the+pain+monifa+robinson+groover

Book review by Linda Fegins

The Word of God tells us to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Monifa Robinson Groover has written a very compelling guide book that teaches you how to go through the process to transform your life by facing hard questions and taking action steps to reach newness, healing and restoration in your life that lasts based on the Word of God. “Change Beyond the Pain” challenges you to honestly examine your life by answering question raised in this guide book strategically placed in the book. While some of the questions may seem a bit much and the word definitions like a lecture, her style of writing is like she is right there coaching you to let you know that this is for your benefit so that you can live the abundant life God has for you (John 10:10), so you please Him and will be delivered from past hurts and mediocre living. Coaches push you to your highest good and potential and this book challenges and moves you to press forward.

Change in life is inevitable but we just don’t want to react to change, Monifa stresses that “transformation is a choice” which will allow you to be victorious over the changes that occur in your life. I enjoyed the workbook style of each chapter and the sharing of real life experiences. “Change Beyond the Pain” is a great tool to help you begin the journey of transformation. I loved Monifa’s statement that Faith = Movement and the chapter on the faith you must have to complete this transformation journey.


Blog Post/Book Excerpt
Faith… But First You MUST Believe

In order to please God, we MUST have faith. In order to surrender to God’s will, we MUST have faith. In order to embrace God’s perfect plan for our lives, we MUST have faith. In order to under¬stand God’s perfect timing, we MUST have faith. Faith is at the core. It is at the very center. This concept cannot be ignored; neither can it be pushed to the side and dealt with at a later time. Some may ask, if this concept is so important why are we just now talk¬ing about this in Chapter 7. My answer to that is very simple. When was the last time you saw a child born who started out eating meat? Never. Well, the same holds true when it comes to talking about transformation. It was important that we started out providing you with milk and soft food. And while what you have read throughout this guide thus far may have seemed somewhat difficult to digest, it was very basic. So make no mistake about it. This chapter on faith was strategi¬cally placed. Here is where we offer you some meat.
We have talked about transformation on so many levels throughout this guide, yet it is only now that we are begin¬ning to see what is at the core of all of this. What MUST we really do if we want transformation to take place? What is at the heart of all this? Surrendering to God and His per¬fect plan and will for our lives, is a major step, however, we cannot surrender to God if we don’t believe He even exists.

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Worth A Thousand Words- Book review by Linda Fegins (Faygo)

Worth A Thousand Words    ISBN-10: 0800732677worth a thousand words
Jubilant Soul Series Book Two
by Stacy Hawkins Adams

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, Indigo Burns discovers that a wonderful near picture perfect life may only display a surface portrayal of satisfaction, completeness and fulfillment, but cover-up  deep conflicting emotions and values.  Ambitious, smart, intelligent and beautiful, Indigo has a man who wants to marry her without reservation.    Indigo loves him, but she has plans to attend graduate school   to enable her to pursue a photography career.  Brian proposes to her and wants the wedding to occur soon and for Indigo to change her plans for the future.

Indigo said yes to the proposal, yet she is not an enthusiastic bride- to- be. To everyone Brian is a wonderful man and a great catch. Indigo knows that, but still wonders can she be fulfilled and happy if she sacrifices her dreams to become his wife at this time instead of waiting. What will happen to her well laid plans after her photography internship at her home town of Jubilant, Texas? Is the seemingly love of her life  worth sacrificing her career for or can  the plans Brian has for her to fit her career within the narrow confines of a Navy Officer’s wife suffice just as well?

 How does Indigo grapple with the competing desires of her heart and the competing agendas of those whom she loves?  Can Indigo live with the consequences of her choices? “Worth A Thousand Words” explores the tough issue of making hard choices about love, relationships,  and career. It gracefully demonstrates the power of prayer and faith to overcome unexpected adversity, the importance of friendships and wise counsel, and the  courage  of being truthful to the persons in our lives, and to ourselves in a non-preachy , but spiritually profound manner. Moreover, this graceful story emphasizes  the importance of  trusting in God when one cannot afford to “lean to one’s own understanding”. It is a heartfelt compelling novel about trust, love, friendship and forgiveness.

Book review by Linda Fegins

ABOUT THE AUTHOR    of the book      StacyHawkinsAdams-th

Stacy Hawkins Adams is a nationally-published, award-winning author and speaker. Her contemporary women’s fiction novels are filled with social themes and spiritual quests that take readers on journeys into their own souls.  

She holds a degree in journalism and served as a newspaper reporter for more than a decade before turning her full attention to penning books, speaking professionally and writing freelance articles.

Stacy lives in a suburb of Richmond, Virginia with her husband and two young children.

Follow the blog tour schedule at http://bitly.com/WorthAThousandWords

For more information about Stacy, visit her at stacyhawkinsadams.com.

Purchase “Worth a Thousand Words” at Amazon.com





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“Transform Your Thinking”-Adventures Creating a Blog by Fegins (Faygo)

Completing my first blog on April 29, 2009,  to meet the  April 30th deadline  to post a book review on visionary pastor, Dr. Bill Winston’s book “Transform Your Thinking, Transform Your Life” was a challenge for me. You see I am not very computer savvy. I am the last one at work who wanted to use the computer and was happy to learn to answer emails and to learn how to attach a document to an email.  Wow. Beyond that well…    I was satisfied with that. Many fantastic attributes of the computer and what it could do was of no interest to me or I was frustrated at attempting to learn how to make the steps. My secretary is precious to me , so while others used their computers to pump out legal work etc, not me.  I turned all assignments in by hand.  Email,  articles on the Internet, type a  few notes I did.  However, at home I did  write some articles , notes for my book on the computer , my Sunday School Lesson plan and others. I just did the ordinary basics.

When American Christian Writer President , Pam Perry ,challenged us to do a book review on one of two books on a blog, I thought blog who wants to do that? ( pamperry@ministrymarketingsolutions.com,)    I  needed to renew my mind about blogging because I would not even read blogs except that of  the great Christian PR marketing coach Pam Perry’s.   To tell the truth I never thought it was a blog -it was so power packed with great articles, PR nuggets and etc. It was  informative ,attractive,and inspirational. However, I never understood all the side bars or used them. I signed up and decided to take the challenge and was assigned Bill Winston’s book about transforming your thinking. How ironic.  

I needed to  change the way I thought about blogging, twittering , face book etc. It was easier said than done for me. Pam conducted a teleseminar and  entrepreneur and “techie” guy  Ralph Claxton. joined us. I heard them on the line, took notes, but I was still lost and could not keep us with the easy steps Ralph told them about. So when Ralph rc@learnaniche.com   told us about his WordPress Blogging School and the discount he was offering I decided to take the course. (Ralph has about 3 businesses and ladies he has a CCW class. Go to his learn a niche web site) http://learnaniche.com

Ralph was very helpful and his seven video course interesting.  Ralph went beyond the call of duty to help me set up a new computer, purchase a domain and to select a host. Of course I selected Ralph’s business(nichebloghost.com) as a host.  He responded with patience to my emails and calls. Thanks Ralph. However, every step on the video was still a challenge to me. I still have not used my new blog  which he hosts under my new domain  name because I had a few challenges applying the necessary steps.  (That is due to my slowness and not the class) One night I tried for hours to get through the blog process to no avail.

Desperate ,I emailed Shekini Jennnings ,  hhtp://shekinijennings.wordpress.com/ . I have never met this kind woman ,but she helped me to apply a picture and to get through the process. Thank you. Just to show how challenging it was ,even after she helped me ,my picture did not post and the blog was terrible.  The next day she  called and walked me through it again ( I was too embarrassed to call her because I did not want to unduly bother her so it was a blessing when she called to check on me).  When it posted I was excited.

On Wednesday April 29th I was on the “New Voice” blogtalk radio show  www.blogtalkradio.com/the-new-voice ,
with the visionary and international missionary and entrepreneur Minetta Hare talking about prayer.  I will be on blog talk radio for the next 8 weeks. I am slowly  getting it Pam , Ralph, and Minetta of the ministry and business benefits of  the Internet and the various avenues one has to be a blessing in the kingdom and to grow his or her business. So therefore my new blog and domain name  ,the-lady-of-prayer.com , which Ralph helped me to set up,will be useful.  I will make an effort to continue to renew my mind  about blogging  and get out of my comfort zone as Bill  Winston’s book challenged. Now I guess I will see what twittering is all about, maybe. Last month I had no interest. Blogging is enough hard work for me.

Pray Fervently,


read my first blog  http://instanter.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/lindas-review-of-transform-your-thinking-transform-your-life-by-bill-winston/

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