Authors: Your Book Is Your Business by Pam Perry

Authors: Your Book Is Your Business

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Expert Author Pam Perry

Start where you are with what you have. You’ve heard it hundreds of times. But what does that mean? You’ve published the book and you got it on up Amazon. Congratulations!

Now what? Now the fun and frenzy begins.

You push people to buy it. You share the link from Amazon. You do “free download” days with the eBook. You run Facebook ads. You blog about it. You send out eblasts. You get creative and do a book trailer and a few blog tours. You write a press release. You pitch yourself to the media. You book yourself on podcasts or run a teleseminar or start podcast all around the subject of the book.

Hoping people buy the book, talk about the book and then have more people BUY the book. Whew!

Book sales are soaring – for at least three months. Then you know what happens after about 90 days?


You’re worn out and tired of pushing your book. You stop pushing it and your sales tank. All that hard work and you are now at a stand still.

That’s why being an author is not enough. You have to become an authorpreneur. You must have a strategy to turn your book into a business.

You are the expert and the authority on whatever the topic of your book. You should not limit yourself to just being a sales person for a book. You are the CEO of your information product business.

An authorpreneur creates courses, workbooks, audio books, home study courses, lecture series – and even “branded” products like T-shirts, journals, backpacks or phone cases. This is what we call “product line extension.”

Think like an entrepreneur – not like an author. Sure, you can go speak and sell books in the back of the room. But you’re not leveraging the entire business model of what is possible with a book.

  • You can hold a yearly conference or convention around the subject of your book.
  • You could create a whole sales funnel and launch video/audio lessons for different levels of learning. Think about launching a series for those who are beginning, then intermediate and finally advanced.
  • You could coach individuals and consult with businesses.
  • You could sell your book in bulk to organizations.
  • You could become a paid spokesperson, columnist or a regular contributor to media organization as the expert.
  • You could get sponsors and provide them with content for their blogs.

The opportunities are endless. There are hundreds of products or streams of income you can pull out of your book, but you’ve got to think like an authorpreneur. It’s really about leveraging your resources, expertise and business savvy to get to the next level.

Ministry marketing pioneer, Award-winning social media strategist and PR Coach Pam Perry helps authors, speakers and coaches garner publicity and leverage online strategies. As a 20-year PR veteran, she is also the co-author of “Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry.” She offers help through her private mentorship program at She also does an “Authorpreneur Bootcamp” and publishes SPEAKERS MAGAZINE.

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Back to 2 Prayers Journey (Days 1-5)

Back 2 School Prayers Journey (Days 1-5)



Welcome to the BACK 2 SCHOOL Prayers Journey  ~ September 1-30, 2017.
Join us our month-long prayer campaign for all students from pre-K to college and other educational institutions and schools.  State your child’s name, school, college, and age and we will pray for you. You can send them to me at the email below and/or you can also add your child’s name and school/college at . If you want to follow us on this journey go

Parents and the community need to call for united prayer for the lives of children, teens and college students attending schools and colleges around the world. Let’s begin to cry out to the Lord for the students, teachers, educators, and school staff in our communities.Cry out today “Lord bless our schools”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and scripturally pray daily.
Action Plan:
1. Join us in praying for our school age children, youth and college students this month. Write the name of your child, teen, and college student, age, and the name of their school and college.

2. Pray daily for our children for salvation, protection, academics and more.
3. Adopt a school to pray for in your neighborhood or in any place throughout your city. Pray for the school of your child ‘s school or college.
4. [Pray daily] I pray in Jesus’ name that every child and every school throughout the world will be covered in prayer.
5. Prayer Focus for Friday Day 1; Saturday Day 2; Sunday Day 3

Day 1- Spiritually
Pray that your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical principles to every aspect of life. Lord, lead my children to trust in Jesus for his or her eternal salvation so that they can be a light at school, the community and everywhere they go. Let them be assured that their souls are secure in Your hands ( John 3:16, 10:28-29)

Day 2- Relationship to the teacher
Pray that your child will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and will act respectful of all authority figures. Father, may the student, staff, and teachers experience a positive respectful relationship and Your love in profound and authentic ways ( John 13:35)

Day 3- Relationship to peers

Pray that your child will develop a close bond with his peers and that he/she will choose friends wisely. Lord provide my children with friends at school and in the community who are supportive and truthful. Keep them from relationships that provide negative peer pressure and would draw them into temptation and away from You. ( Prov 27:5-6; 1 Corn 15:33)

Day 4- Wisdom    

Pray that your child will develop the ability to discern right from wrong and put it into practice on a daily basis at school and in the community. Lord bless my children with wisdom, and give them a hunger for you, to study and learn more at school. Fill them with a thirst for knowledge of Your Word and to study at school their school work. (Prov 3:13; James 1:5; Prov 9:10)

Day 5- Intimacy with God

Draw my children in a personal relationship with You that they may taste your goodness and long for you. Let them know you will watch over them at school and that they are not alone at school when mother and father cannot be there. ( Ps. 27:8 ;34:8; John 14:16-17).

Blessings to parents, students, and the community.

Pray fervently, Linda D. Fegins “The Prayer Leader”


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40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce The Book Blast Tour for 40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins. July 27, 2017

Publication Date: June 12, 2017

Genre: Inspirational


ISBN-10: 154806775X

ISBN-13: 978-1548067755

About The Book

40 Days Of Healing takes the reader through 40 days of fasting in hopes of being delivered from the “IT” that has caused separation between them and God, and gives them the opportunity to journal their most personal prayers, thoughts, and intentions.

40 Days Of Healing is also a complete guide to 40 days of fasting and spiritual renewal. It is an opportunity for mind renewal in your mind, body, and spirit. It is saturated with wonderful scriptures to help usher you into your healing.

About The Author

Pastor/ Author Danyelle is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. She studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and is presently working on a Master’s in Religious Education from the Liberty University. Pastor Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC and is the author of both Christian fiction and non-fiction books. She is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins Sr., the mother of three by birth and two additional by marriage.

40 Days of Healing Excerpt (Day 2)

Matthew 4:17 (NASB)

From that time, Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Remember what you put down has the potential to weigh you down. Nothing on this earth is powerful enough to keep you down unless you desire to be down.

God gave you measures to ensure your safety on earth. The security to staying safe begins with repentance. Do not let ignorance or pride keep you from godly repentance.

Repent, put “it” down, turn from “it” and give God permission to destroy and detach “it” from your life.  Often, we think “I can just stop doing “it” when I get ready,” but either getting ready never comes or mastering the will power or mindset to stop never comes.

When we really desire change, we must honestly seek to destroy the strongholds that have kept us from the change we want.

Let’s Pray:

Father as I come before your presence with an expected end, please help me to lay aside every sin and weight that has so easily held me captive against Your purpose, my desires, and Your will for my life. I ask You now to forgive me of my sins, the things I have done knowing that You and Your Word has warned me against, and even those things that I have not known to be a sin but were, in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Prayer:


What is the “it” that you know you need to be forgiven for and why has it been so hard for you to turn away from “it”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you feel right now by making the decision to leave the thing that displeases God behind? ______ Afraid ______Hopeful _____Joyful ______Happy

Your Declaration: This Day, God Has Forgiven Me!

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4 Ways to Renew Your Mind for Business SUCCESS

4 Ways to Renew Your Mind for SUCCESS!

Everyday we’re bombarded with negative reports, which, if you’re not careful, can shape your thoughts and beliefs, programming you for a mundane life at best. True success isn’t an accident that just happens. If you want to break out of the status quo and excel as a Kingdom entrepreneur, you’ve got to train yourself for success.


“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)


To be a good entrepreneur you don’t need to conform to the world’s standard. You can be successful in the business world without being of the business world. When you renew your mind to think the way God thinks, you can program yourself for a successful outcome and fulfill His will for your business.


Here are 4 ways you can program your mind for success:

Number 1 ~ Meditation

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8 NIV)

“..but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night…whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:2-3 NIV)

Meditating on the Word of God is a great way to program your mind for success. It simply means thinking about the scriptures and pondering on the promises of God. Make a list of scriptures that relate to you and your business and repeat them over in your mind until it becomes your mindset.


Number 2 ~ Knowledge

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” (Proverbs 24:3-6 NIV)

If you want to profit in business, there’s no substitute for knowledge. Wisdom and understanding both go hand in hand with knowledge. Make it a priority to acquire knowledge about your industry or field, marketing, technology etc. When you mix this knowledge with godly wisdom (from the Word) and understanding (from the Holy Spirit) you have a powerful recipe for success.


Number 3 ~ Association

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

The people you spend the most time with will have an influence on the way you think so be careful who you associate with. Actively seek to stay around people who will inspire you to greater heights and encourage you to think big.


Number 4 ~ Humility

Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:] (Philippians 2:5 AMP)

The world likes to portray successful entrepreneurs as being arrogant. God’s Word paints a different picture of success. In fact the greatest leaders, inside and out of the bible, are often those who are the most humble – our Lord Jesus being the best example. In turn God gives more grace to those who are humble.

Your SUCCESS is Our Business!

Dr. Minetta Hare, President/CEO
Good Success Seminars, Training & Coaching Services.

For more additional on our training, seminars, workshops, conference and coaching services, contact us at #Buisnessuccess #renewmind  #association #goodsuccess

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Honoring Talent and Abilities of Black Americans

Praise for God for gifts and talents and overcoming anointed power. During Black History Month, we honor the contributions, achievements, and strength of the African-American community that has helped shape our nation’s history and identity. We honor the talent and abilities of those who have gone before us.

Remember that you have talents and abilities.  Think great thoughts.

“The mind is the standard of the man.” Paul Laurence Dunbar, Writer and Poet.
Feed your mind nourishing thoughts, just as you feed your body with nourishing food. .For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7.
…whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


  1. When you receive a God given dream ,not a wish or fantasy, God will give you the strength and courage to walk it out.

For a dream comes through activity. And a fool’s voice is known by his many words. Ecclesiastics 5:3 NKJV

  1. We must not allow anyone but God to assign our roles to us.

I know O ‘Lord that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct our steps. Jeremiah 10:23 (NIV)

  1. Success is measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be His God and he shall be my son. Revelations 21:7

  1. “It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared”. Whitney Young, Founder National Urban League. So prepare

And lastly, whatever you want God’s got it. So Celebrate. Use your gifts and talents to the glory of God to make a differnce in the lives of others and in the Kingdom.

Victory of the Spirit,

Linda Fegins of the Fegins Report

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Love Does


Happy Holidays

Each loving act says loud and clear, “I love you. God loves you. I care. God cares.”
Beloved let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God for God is love. 1 John 4:7-8
During this Holiday Season of joy , celebration and gathering with family and friends(and really all the year) remember those grieving from lost(divorce, death, rejection, failure) and suffering from illness and depression. Pray for the poor and lonely . This time of year is often depressing to some. Pray for them and then—- DO. Give a smile, a hug, an encouraging word, a touch, a donation, feed them, a visit, provide support and resources. We are God’s ambassadors created to do good works.( Ephesians 2:10) #doalovingact #TellsomeoneGodlovesthem

Linda Fegins

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Thankful for God and You


Dear Family and Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving! I pray that your holiday is blessed and enjoyable. While you are enjoying the turkey day and food do not let it overshadow the purpose of Thanksgiving-to express thankfulness and gratitude to God!

Psalm 107:1 O give  thanks unto the Lord, for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever.

God is a God of love and love is not a self seeking . Therefore  giving thanks is not just for the benefit of God. “God wants you to give thanks because a thankful heart opens the door to more blessing in your life”!( Keith Butler)

Love on your families and persons who are hurting due to divorce, loss of a loved one, tragedy……. and Brag on God
Season of Thankfulness : Brag on God  #bragonGod #thankthegivingGod
Brag on God .Think and Thank . Think of God goodness, greatness, grace,  and how he done so many great things for you. Tell it. Thank God for all the great things He has done in your life.


I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise; 2 I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. Psalm 138:1-2

Remember others. If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
As we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men. Galatians 6:10 #feedone #helpsomebody #dogood

During this Holiday Season of joy , celebration and gathering with family and friends(and really all the year) remember those grieving from lost(divorce, death, rejection, failure) and suffering from illness and depression. Remember the poor and lonely . This time of year is often depressing to some. Pray for them and then—- DO. Give a smile, a hug, an encouraging word, a touch, a donation. Feed them , give a gift, a visit, support, and resources. We are God’s ambassadors created for good works.

I am so thankful. I  want to tell you  how extremely thankful  to God for being able to connect and share with you.

With a heart filled with gratitude ,

Fervently pray and give thanks,

Linda “The Prayer Leader”










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Soul Posts 30 Days of Inspiration by Bryetta Calloway


Write Now Literary is pleased to present Soul Post 30 Days of Inspiration with Author Bryetta Calloway on her book release tour November 17, 2016.

Genre:  Inspirational/Self-Help

Publication Date: November 21, 2016

Paperback: 92 pages

Publisher: Bryetta Calloway (October 23, 2016)

ISBN-10: 0692797661

ISBN-13: 978-0692797662

About the Book


Soul Posts features the most powerful and popular Soul Stuff posts from Singer, Actress, and Writer Bryetta Calloway, featuring never-before-published posts from her ever-growing blog ( for women of faith, women who create, and women who lead. From her work as an artist and creative, Bryetta has built an online community that is becoming a must-join relevant space for women who consider themselves artists, believers, and creative entrepreneurs. With her pointed yet poetically gilded prose, growing presence on stages across the country, and original music she has cultivated a unique point-of-view that resonates with every fan following her across multiple digital platforms. Through social media (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook), Bryetta connects with her fellow creatives on a daily basis, sharing insights of her life with her posts, videos, and images. For the first time in print, this book presents some of Bryetta’s fav orite Soul Stuff posts in one volume—from her advice for “Winners Who Quit” to her clarion call to foster “Hope in a Time of Cynicism” and cultivating “Community over Contention: The Fight Against Female Jealousy”—she provides readers with a raw and honest look into the musings of her soul in an effort to empower you to share yours.


About the Author


A Singer, Actress, and Writer Bryetta Calloway is happily following wherever her inspiration leads. Her love of faith, art and social connection has Bryetta creating and documenting regularly, both in the digital space and in person. Soul Posts is a tribute to every innovatHER, creatHER, and leadHER who has joined her on the Soul Stuff journey.


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Hope is My Birthright, Not A Feeling.

Emotions can become so intense and overwhelming that you will feel pulled undertow by the sheer weight of them. Sadness covers you, fear tracks your every step, frustration pushes against you, stress seems to smother you. You feel surrounded, backed into a corner. Your fight or flight response kicks in like wounded prey. No matter that nothing appears to have changed, or maybe BECAUSE NOTHING seems to have changed. Whatever the impetus, you feel the rhythm of your heart uptick as you paddle against the waves of hopelessness. Desperate to seek an intravenous injection of hope. You turn your head away from the world, and you go chasing after that feeling of relief, assuredness, security. Desperate to find respite from the noise of everyday life.

The Hebrew word for hope ‘batah’ has the meaning of confidence, security, and being without care; not the blasé unsure “I sure hope so” that we have come to toss out when we are tentative and unsteady to believe. One of the most famous scriptures known to believers and non, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) Shapes the formula for Christian hope and it’s necessary relationship to faith. When we know that our hope is birthed and secure in the confidence that comes when we have faith, certainty and no doubt, that God is watching over His Word, alert and attentive to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12) we fall victim to feelings of hopelessness less easily. Because we know that God has promised,

“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace: The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:11-12) our hope has firm roots in the promises of God.

Therefore hope is not an emotion or a feeling to be sought after. It is our reality. It is grounded in our certainty that God is who He says He is. That every promise is founded on the unshakable character of God. Unwavering, never changing, and oh so faithful. Don’t let the pull of circumstances, stress, and emotions succeed in perverting the truth of God. The definition of pervert means to alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended. The enemy of our very souls has endeavored to subvert, twist, and contort the authenticity of our birthright as children of God. It is his hope that we will be so deceived by external variables that we will go seeking for in the external what is inherent to our nature. Hope, peace, love, and an expected end through Christ Jesus.

Be encouraged that there is no situation, circumstance, or problem that will ever alter, shift, or change the promises of God for you. Don’t lose hope Beloved, our God is faithful.


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The Final Ultimatum by Unoma Nwankwor

Please join author Unoma Nwankwor as she tours the blogosphere with Write Now Literary Book Tours and her new release The Final Ultimatum, October 21, 2016.

Book Title: The Final Ultimatum

Author: Unoma Nwankwor

Publication Date:  Oct 21, 2016


Genre: Christian Romancebook-cover-1


About The Book

For the second time in Olanma Obinze-Rice’s life love hasn’t been good to her. Five years ago, a repossessed car and the looming threat of eviction, left Olanma Obinze-Rice in dire need of cash. Then out of the blue, she landed an interview of a lifetime that would solve all her problems. But she had to go through former bad boy and heir of Rice Holdings, Abayomi Rice. One ultimatum, a whirlwind romance and a life scare later, Olanma and Abayomi were married.

Now all Olanma wants is to be free. Free from her rocky marriage, manipulative husband and overbearing father. If everything goes according to plan, she’ll be divorced and free from her father’s clutches by her thirtieth birthday. All she has to do is wrap up one last business deal. Once he gets divorce papers, Abayomi Rice knows his wife has called his bluff. He didn’t mean to manipulate her but her broken promises and inability to stand up to her father tore them apart.

Despite their present state, the finality of a divorce is not an option. He wants his wife back. With his sister’s wedding coming up, he sets his plan in motion and issues one final ultimatum- pretend to be a happy couple one last time. Their farce leads to unexpected healing of their hearts, but then life throws another wrench in the plan. An ultimatum brought them together will this final one tear them apart?



About The Author

Born in Akron, Ohio to Nigerian parents, Unoma Nwankwor is a multi-published author and 2015 winner of the Nigerian Writers’ Award for Best Faith Based Fiction. Her readers are in love with her unique story telling that fuses faith, romance and African spice, capturing the essence of her present home base; Atlanta and her Nigerian culture. She is also the COO ofKevStel Group LLC and resides in Atlanta with her husband and two kids.


“Nma, so where’s this husband you keep saying you have?” Abayomi heard the man say as he approached.

Olanma giggled and then abruptly stopped. Abayomi knew that in that moment she sensed his presence. She turned sideways, but the man she was with was so busy checking her out that he didn’t see Abayomi walk up.

“If he’s not taking care of…”

“I hear you’re looking for me and I take care of my wife just fine.” Abayomi came to a halt between Olanma and the man.

The look of shock on both their faces was satisfying. Nma? He couldn’t believe she allowed another man to call her that. Not even her father called her “beauty.” Only two people had that privilege – he and her grandmother. Or so he thought.

Abayomi snaked his arm around his wife’s waist and kissed her hair. He then stretched out his other hand to the man. “Abayomi Rice, said husband.”

The expression on the man’s face switched from shock to embarrassment. At least he had some shame.

After a few moments, he heard his wife say, “Yomi, this is Emeka Maduka, an old friend.”

Old friend? That’s what she thought. The man wanted her. Abayomi wasn’t fooled. He wrote the book on old friends. It was time to cut this little reunion short. “It was nice meeting you. I’ll take my wife now.”

Abayomi didn’t wait for a response before he ushered Olanma out of the ballroom. He found a secluded area where they could talk. He stared at her and began to pace. He had never been good at hiding his possessive nature.

“Yomi, that was rude and what are you doing here?” Olanma asked in a hushed whisper.

“Apparently, reminding you that you’re still my wife.”

She stared at him in disbelief. “No, I’m not doing this with you.”

“Really? Nma,” Abayomi said, his tone laced with irritation and sarcasm.

“You’ve got some nerve. You pop into Lagos two days ago, and then you don’t come home…” Her voice was shaky with rage. “I’m not doing this with you. Not here.” She began to walk away.

Abayomi exhaled. He was messing this up. “Olanma, wait.”

She stopped, but didn’t turn around.

“I’m sorry. I saw him touch you and then you laughed with him. I haven’t heard that sound in ages and I saw red.”


He hadn’t meant to reveal all that, but masked feelings were what had brought them to this point. If there was going to be a chance for them, they would have to lay down the masks. And since he was the one that was served with divorce papers, he had to take the first step. His prayer was that his vulnerability would lead them back to the intimacy they once shared. Where their souls were tied as one and hopefully rebuild their trust. He hoped she would see that.

Olanma walked back to him and stared at him intently. “It’s been a year. What did you expect? That I’d curl up and die?” She turned and walked away.

Her heated eyes showed him her soul. She was hurt, but so was he. This wasn’t what he imagined for them. Past the pain and anger he saw in her eyes, he also saw longing and love. It was clearer to him that restoring his marriage would be an uphill battle. Losing, however, wasn’t an option.

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First Day of School Encouragement for Parents

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The day after  Labor Day around the country usually marks the first day of school for most of  our children and youth. It also marks the time that parents have to get ready for the school season and be prepared for for the first day of school as well. It can be a stressful time for parents as well. Camille Jamerson   an entrepreneur , award wining author and a mother, who raised five children, shares words of wisdom, wit  and encouragement to Moms and Dads to let them know  that the first day of school for parents and the school year will work out for them just fine


Shout out to all of the moms and dads sending their kids off to school again. Take it from a 28-year retired back to school mom veteran…it goes by quickly….for real.

school back-to-school1

Special love and prayers to my fellow single moms( or dads) especially with multiple kids. I know you are posting *back to school* pics and smiling on the outside but I know that inner anxiety and frustration that creeps up this time of year as you struggle to figure out how you’re going to get it all done when it’s just you. You have to work fulltime, take care of the car, clean around the house, go to school, pay the bills, fix the toilet, unclog drains, keep them clean, dressed and fed and maintain a level of sanity with no partner in the home to catch the slack ,speak life into you, love on you, shoulder some of the responsibility and take the garbage out! So from me to you…my job now as I pass the torch on to you is to pray and encourage you.

Been there…done that…five times over, rocking solo with orientations, the immunization records, the schedules, the supply list, the rehearsal schedules, the practice schedules, buying instruments, going over the syllabus, buying mouth guards, spikes and cups with your light bill money, signing forms, picking up, dropping off, late buses, private school, switching schools, latch key, sick kids, snow days, uniforms, school shoes, lunch money, counselor meetings, spring program, winter program, Christmas program, band competitions, homework, tutors, SAT prep, football games, ballet, last minute science fair projects, finding poster boards at 3 a.m., searching the city for a sports bra to drive down to Wayne State when you’re in Auburn Hills…deep sigh… I didn’t get it all right… But I did the best that I could with what little I had and I’m still standing.

So I GET it…. Yet I still say…

You CAN do it. I’m a witness and have a testimony that there is Grace available to do it even alone. You will be stronger for it and wiser because of it! Let’s get it done!

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Camille Jamerson  Copyright 2016 Camille Jamerson is  a God fearing award-winning author, speaker and Senior Consultant and CEO of CDJ & Associates. As a former single mom, Camille raised five children and is now a part of a super blended family which includes her husband and a total of 11 adult children! They reside in Oakland County Michigan where Camille runs her business, works on her next book and loves on her grandchildren.

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Filed under Parents-First Day of School Encouragment