On this Marvelous Manifestation of a new decade-2020 As you walk in this New Year on this Marvelous Manifestation of the first day of 2020 do so with great expectation of new beginnings, new opportunities, blessings , favor, renewal and victory. Know that God is going to do great things through you. May God grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans that line up with His will for you and may we shout for joy over your victory.( Ps 20:6 RSV).
Praise God for His unfamthonable love for you!! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits. This is the year of victory and favor for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020 and God is amazing and can fix it and bring you through.The Lord will see you through and He listens and answers prayer. Believe and obey His Word. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Keep praying, pressing forth and pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart. Don’t be afraid to shine with love and the spirit of excellence.
On this Marvelous Manifestation of a new decade, God has unfamthonable love for you! What is your expectation for this week, month , and year? Think Big, Do Big and Think Victory! Praise Him for daily loading you up with benefits. This is the year of victory for you. Praise Him for the fact that you are still here and looking forward to GREATER in 2020!! Even if things are not what you want for now, shout for joy with Praise now, because you have a God that can “work it out” by working all things –good ,bad and ugly together for your good (Rom. 8:28-30) if you believe.
New Year Blessings from Linda “The Prayer Leader” ldfaygo@gmail.com
October is National Women in Business Month, and it’s a good time to look at the impact women business owners are having in the US economy. In this blog post, I will share some statistics, along with some great resources for women business owners who want to start a new business or grow an existing one.
Women-Owned Businesses Are on the Rise
According to the 9th Annual State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, released by American Express, over the past year, women started an average of 1,817 new businesses per day in the US. That represents 42 percent of nearly 13 million businesses overall. These businesses have 9.4 million employees and generate $1.9 trillion in revenue. Women of color account for 89 percent (1,625) of the new businesses opened every day over the past year. In fact, 50 percent of all women-owned firms are owned by African-American women.
Side hustling is also on the rise. Over the last five years, the number of women side-hustlers has grown at a rate that is nearly twice as fast as the overall growth in female entrepreneurship. Minority women are responsible for a large portion of the growth of side-hustling among women-owned businesses.
Even though women of color are starting more businesses than ever before, not everyone is making big money. 1.7 percent of women business gross over 1 million in revenue. However, 88 percent of women are not grossing over $100K, and for African Americans, the average business generates $66K, which has gone slightly down over the last 5 years.
22 Resources for Women Business Owners
Given these stats, there is a lot of work to do to grow those revenues. I wanted to make sure every woman entrepreneur has what she needs to run her dream business. Here are the top 22 organizations and websites that provide resources for women business owners, including advice, advocacy, mentorship, funding support, and business connections, all of which are critical to long-term success.
This site provides business information and resources for small businesses—those companies with fewer than 500 employees. The company also conducts research to measure the health and direction of the small business sector.
Black & Brown Founders provides community, education, and access to Black and Latinx entrepreneurs, allowing them to launch and build tech businesses with modest resources.
ChallengeHER is a program sponsored by Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) to share growth opportunities in government contracting with women-owned small businesses. The program is free for all registrants as part of a national initiative designed to promote the WOSB Federal Contract Program, to bring more women-owned firms into the federal government’s supply chain. Their next event is coming to Washington, D.C. on October 24, 2019.
Ellevate Network is a global organization enabling women in business to elevate each other. Members include both corporate women and women entrepreneurs.
Essence is a monthly magazine for African-American women between the ages of 18 and 49. First published in 1970, it is one of the few American magazines that focus on reaching an audience of black women. They regularly publish finance and business content to help side-hustlers and full-time business owners.
The government wants to help you take your business global. Developed by international trade experts and economists, Export.gov provides trusted market intelligence, practical advice, and business tools to help U.S. companies expand in global markets.
FFA is an online community of female and non-binary founders of small businesses. They also run Ready Set Raise an industry-agnostic national startup accelerator that is a 6-week intensive training and funding program.
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is an agency in the United States Department of Commerce that promotes growth and competitiveness of the United States’ minority-owned businesses, including Hispanic and Latino American, Asian Pacific American, African American, and Native American businesses.
The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) provides education, networking, and public advocacy to help its members achieve financial security and business success. Members include women executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, and allies committed to the advancement of women in the workplace.
The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) offers a certification program to create opportunities for business owners of color to connect to the hundreds of corporate members who wish to build relationships with trusted minority businesses. They also build MBE capacity through programs and workshops at their regional and national conferences.
The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) is a nonpartisan federal advisory council that serves as an independent source of advice and policy recommendations to the president, Congress, and the U.S. Small Business Administration. The NWBC works to promote economic issues that matter to women business owners and to encourage bold initiatives that support women-owned businesses throughout their journey, from startup to success.
The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) works to help women business owners achieve economic, social, and political power. With 12,000 members, NAWBO is one of the best-known membership organizations for women in business. With the NAWBO Institute, women can access a virtual online learning platform to develop key skills and learn strategies to help take their business to next level.
This is a national initiative that trains women to develop into angel entrepreneurs. It does this through education, mentoring programs, and practice. In addition, the program allows women from all over the country to present their business ideas in its Pitch Summits, with the winner having a chance to secure capital for their business ideas.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent agency of the federal government. Its goal is to assist and protect small businesses and strengthen the US economy. The SBA has an extensive network of field offices that provide training, federal contract assistance, business certifications, and loan guarantees.
This is an office within the SBA that manages over 100 Women’s Business Centers that work to help women small business owners. WBCs provide entrepreneurs with in-depth training and counseling and various loan products.
The Office of Small Business Development Centers gives both current and prospective small business owners counseling, advice, and services, often for little or no cost. Small business owners can access these “one-stop shops” to get information, guidance, or education. Every state has at least one SBDC.
SCORE is one of the best resources to find a mentor for your small business. SCORE mentors are business experts who’ve been in the trenches of corporate America and entrepreneurship. They provide free business consulting online or in person. They also have a huge website with tons of free resources.
With decades of experience, I know how difficult (yet incredibly rewarding!) it can be to start and grow a business. Every week I share my advice with you in blog posts, #SmallBizChat interviews on Twitter and Facebook, and on my new #SmallBizChat Podcast.
The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) is a certify agency for women businesses. WBENC provides members with networking and other opportunities to market to government and corporations that want to do business with women-owned companies.
Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) is a national, nonpartisan organization that advocates on behalf of women entrepreneurs. WIPP lobbies Congress to create economic opportunities for women and impact public policy. They also provide benefits such as advocacy training, assistance getting federal contracts, and business workshops.
The Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) is a nonprofit membership organization for women who are presidents of million-dollar businesses. WPO members participate in advisory groups monthly that help them grow their businesses and partners to take their businesses to the next level.
Do you know of any other organizations that offer resources for women business owners? Let me what else should be on this list. Women business owners ROCK!Feel free to share…
Order SmallBizLady’s new book Fix Your Business, 90-Day plan to Get Back Your Life and Reduce Chaos in Your Business. It includes the 12 Ps of Running a Successful Business and readers will finish the book with a new strategic plan to take their business to the next level.
About Melinda Emerson
Melinda F. Emerson, known to many as SmallBizLady is one of America’s leading small business experts. As a seasoned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and small business coach, she develops audio, video and written content to fulfill her mission to end small business failure. As CEO of Quintessence Multimedia, Melinda educates entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies on subjects including small business start-up, business development and social media marketing. Forbes Magazine named her #1 woman for entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. She hosts #SmallBizChat Wednesdays on Twitter 8-9pm ET for emerging entrepreneurs. She also publishes a resource blog http://www.succeedasyourownboss.com Melinda is also bestseller author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 months; A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works. Her latest ebook, How To Become a Social Media Ninja; 101 Ways to Dominate Your Competition Online was released in 2012.
Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. Through prayer the right leaders will arise to enable the community to come together to take productive and strategic action to transform our educational system and our schools.
Accordingly we want to encourage parents and pray for their strength to meet the needs of their child, grandchildren etc. to prepare them for school and to help with homework.
Here is a short prayer for parents written by Moms International Prayer for Moms but is applicable to all guardians, caregivers and family members:
Dear Praying Mom,
May you know that God’s divine power has given you everything you need for a godly life through your knowledge of Him who called you by His own glory and goodness. From 2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
May our Loving Father bless you as you bring each concern for your child and school to Him in prayer. May you delight in His presence as you draw closer to Him, trusting in His goodness toward you and your family.
Moms in Prayer International
Pray for the school your child attends as you drive your child to school. Pray for a school in your neighborhood. Encourage your children to pray for their school and teachers.
God will surely hear and be pleased at the unity in His Body and for united praying parents. Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed.
Praying Parents join with PROJECT PASS-Praying Always for Students and Schools lead by the Intercessory Prayer Ministry of Messiah Baptist Church in Detroit, MI . We want you to provide the name of your child, grandchild, niece, nephew etc and their school/ college (Pre-K through college) We will be praying for them all school year long
Please visit the Project Pass daily prayers at the links above. Here are five prayer points for our school and college children for you to pray and then see the prayers listed at the link above.
Day 1- Protection and Spiritually
Lord we pray a hedge
of protection of our children, teens and young adults as they return
to school grounds and college campuses.( Psalm 91)We pray for a
productive school year in a safe environment for our children and
youth. Stay the hand of violence, evil and bullying. We pray that
your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical
principles to every aspect of life. Lord, lead my/our children to
trust in Jesus for his or her eternal salvation so that they can be a
light at school, the community and everywhere they go. ( John 3:16,
Day 2- Relationship
to the teacher
Pray that your child
will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and
will act respectful of all authority figures. Father, may the
student, staff, and teachers experience a positive respectful
relationship and Your love in profound and authentic ways ( John
13:35) Linda Fegins
12- Learning
Pray that your children will be serious minded and
work hard to acquire both secular and spiritual knowledge. Pray that
the Lord will bless ______ with clarity as he/she studies. Pray that
the Lord help him/her to be diligent in doing his/her homework and
school/college assignments. May _____ avoid procrastination and may
he/she do his/her work as unto the Lord. (2 Timothy 2:15)
14- Help with Learning Issues-
Lord you are a very present help
in a time of trouble. , I pray that any learning issues or learning
disabilities of a student will be brought to light and overcome by
the right help from teachers, parents and counselors. Lord, I pray
that students that are struggling with their studies will be
encouraged and their minds strengthened. May they not feel shame or
worthless. (Psalm 46:1)
Day 17 – School Systems
Pray: Father, we
bring before You the _______ school system(s) and all educational
systems and the teachers, principals, school boards, and
administrators who are in positions of authority within the school
systems(s). We pray for skillful men and women full of godly wisdom
to oversee the school system(s) to provide the right learning
environment, and that will overthrow detrimental business and
educational practices and will execute sound educational practices
that are fair and just for all students no matter their economic
status or race. We plead the blood over the school systems and
schools and declare they are free from the way of evil and free from
evil persons in authority and corrupting influences. (See Proverbs
2:10-12, 21-22; Proverbs 18:10;2 Corinthians 2:14)
Add your child’s,
grandchild, nephew, niece name and school/college here:
Action Plan:
1. Join us in
praying for our school age children, youth and college students this
month. Write the name of your child, teen, and college student, age,
and the name of their school and college.
2. Pray daily for
our children for salvation, protection, academics and more. Follow
the daily prayer focus.
3. Adopt a school to
pray for in your neighborhood or in any place throughout your city.
Pray for the school of your child ‘s school or colleg
Pray fervently, Linda D. Fegins “The Prayer Leader” copyright 2017, 2018, 2019 LDFaygo@gmail.com
Back 2 School Prayers: Project PASS by Linda Fegins
Welcome back if you joined with us on September 1 in praying for students. We begin Project Pass Praying Always for Students and School on September 1 and stated the prayer points for Day 1-5 in the blog post earlier this week .Please encourage others to pray along with you for our children. Let’s unite in praying Back 2 School Prayers and follow the prayer points for Day 5-9 below.
We need to consistently pray united back to school prayers for the protection of our children, parents, teachers, the school board and the entire school system. PROJECT PASS-Praying Always for Students and Schools want to partner with you so we can unite in praying for our children, teen and young adults. Through prayer, families, our children’s lives, and our world can be changed. God will show us how to use the power that believers have within through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our schools and deliver them from violence, disorganization, and poor administration. Through united consistent prayer, God will give us the power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to solve the many school problems that plague our city schools and school board. Through prayer the right leaders will arise to enable the community to come together to take productive and strategic action to transform our educational system and our schools.
Join PROJECT PASS-PRAYING ALWAYS FOR STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS~ September 1-30, 2019. Join PROJECT PASS – Praying Always for Students and Schools for our month-long prayer campaign for all students from pre-K to college and other educational institutions and schools. We will pray all year long for your student and their schools. State your child’s name, school, college, and age and we will pray for you. You can send them to me at the email below and/or you can also add your child’s name and school/college for the lives of children, teens and college students attending schools and colleges around the world.
State the names of your children and their schools include College Students
Let’s begin to cry out to the Lord for the students, teachers, educators, and school staff in our communities. Cry out today “Lord bless our schools”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and scripturally pray daily.
Pray for the school your child attends as you drive your child to school. Pray for a school in your neighborhood. Encourage your children to pray for their school and teachers.
PROJECT PASS –Praying Always for Students and Schools will daily provide you with prayers for your child . Below are prayers for four days that you can pray for each day or pray each of them daily. Please submit your child’s name and school. See Days 1-5 in prior blog post
Day 6- Intimacy with God Draw my children in a personal relationship with You that they may taste your goodness and long for you. Let them know you will watch over them at school and that they are not alone at school when mother and father cannot be there. ( Ps. 27:8 ;34:8; John 14:16-17).
Day 7- Obedience and respect Lord I pray that my child shall walk in obedience to me as a parent and will be obedient and respectful to his/her teacher, principal and to authority. I pray that he/she will obey the classroom and school rules and procedures. Lord grant my child____________ a wise and obedient heart that will appropriately obey You, me, school authorities and lawful authorities that it may be well with my child.
Day 8- Self-control Pray that your child will learn self-control and have the discipline to use it in even the toughest of situations. Even a child (________) is known by his/her acts, whether (or not) what he/she does is pure and right. (Prov 20:11 AMP)
Day 9- Purpose Pray that God’s plan and purpose will be manifested in the lives of your children at school and in the world; that _______ (name child) will do good works at school and in the community. Pray that the learning abilities, skills, and talents will be recognized and nurtured by teachers, administrators, and parents. (See Micah 6:8; Eph 2:10)
Action Plan: 1. Join us in praying for our school age children, youth and college students this month. Write the name of your child, teen, and college student, age, and the name of their school and college.
2. Pray daily for our children for salvation, protection, academics and more. 3. Adopt a school to pray for in your neighborhood or in any place throughout your city. Pray for the school of your child ‘s school or college. 4. Pray daily-I pray in Jesus’ name that every child and every school throughout the world will be covered in prayer.
First Day of School Encouragement for Parents. PARENTS Intercessors are praying for you as well as your children. List your name and your children and any specific prayer requests. Share your first day of school experience .Pray for parents and students today
The day after Labor
Day around the country usually marks the first day of school for most
of our children and youth. It also marks the time that parents have
to get ready for the school season and be prepared for the first day
of school as well. It can be a stressful time for parents as well.
Shout out to all of the moms and dads sending their kids off to school on the first day of school for the first time or again. Pray for parents.
Back to School Prayer-PROJECT PASS Praying Always for Students and Schools – Pray for our youth as they return to school for protection and for teachers and administrators. Educators Cry out for a hedge of protection around the children, teachers, and administrators.#prayforeducators # #prayforteachers #prayforschools #prayforadminstrators #cryoutforschools #PROJECTPASSPrayingAlwaysforStudentsandSchools
Look at Black men standing outside the school bus to encourage and support our children
Welcome to the First – Third Day of PROJECT PASS: Praying Always for Students and Schools ~ September 1-30, 2019.
Join us ( Messiah’s
Intercessory Prayer Team-Attend our Back to School Rally September
28) for the all year long prayer initiative Project PASS for students
and schools with a special kick off for our month-long prayer
campaign for all students from pre-K to college and other educational
institutions and schools . Add your child’s name and school/college
. We will pray for your students all year long. We plan a special
project of Project PASS for college students.
Parents and the
community need to call for united prayer for the lives of children,
teens and college students attending schools and colleges around the
world. Let’s begin to cry out to the Lord for the students,
teachers and school staff in our communities.
Cry out today “Lord
bless our schools”, See Lam 2:19 and then also specifically and
scripturally pray daily.
1. Join us in
praying for our school age children, youth and college students this
month. Write the name of your child, teen, and college student, age,
and the name of their school and college.
2. Pray daily for
our children for salvation, protection, academics and more.
3. Adopt a school to
pray for in your neighborhood or in any place throughout your city.
Pray for the school of your child ‘s school or college.
4. [Pray daily] I
pray in Jesus’ name that every child and every school throughout
the world will be covered in prayer.
5. Prayer Focus for
today Day 1 and Day 2
Day 1- Protection
and Spiritually
Lord we pray a hedge
of protection of our children, teens and young adults as they return
to school grounds and college campuses.( Psalm 91)We pray for a
productive school year in a safe environment for our children and
youth. Stay the hand of violence, evil and bullying. We pray that
your child will understand the Gospel and learn to apply biblical
principles to every aspect of life. Lord, lead my/our children to
trust in Jesus for his or her eternal salvation so that they can be a
light at school, the community and everywhere they go. ( John 3:16,
Day 2- Relationship
to the teacher
Pray that your child
will develop a deep respect and appreciation for his/her teacher and
will act respectful of all authority figures. Father, may the
student, staff, and teachers experience a positive respectful
relationship and Your love in profound and authentic ways ( John
Day 3- Relationship
to peers
Pray that your child
will develop a close bond with his peers at school and at college and
that he/she will choose friends wisely. Lord provide my children with
friends at school and in the community who are supportive and
truthful. Keep them from relationships that provide negative peer
pressure and would draw them into temptation and away from You. (
Prov 27:5-6; 1 Corn 15:33)
Please add your
children names so we can pray for them and their schools and
Blessing to parents, students, and the community. Prayer fervently, Linda D. Fegins copyright 2018, 2019#PROJECTPASSPrayAlwaysforStudentsandSchools LDFaygo@gmail.com
Tags: pray for
college students, pray for teachers and adminsitrators, praying for
college students, praying for protection, PROJECT PASS: Pray Always
for Students and Schools, wisdom
When it was first said, “A picture is worth a thousand words” in 1927, marketers have known that a picture can often help convey the meaning of a complex idea more effectively than a wordy description. For example, an infographic such as a chart or diagram can be used to represent information or data. While the words on your website are important, so are images. Used effectively, images help drive more visitors to your website, promote social sharing, and increase the number of visitors who complete a contact form. Photographs, infographics, cartoons, GIFs, videos, and screenshots can all be used as visuals.
Research shows that websites with images get more views. Pictures act as storytellers, allowing visitors to visualize your firm and its services. They capture the readers’ attention quickly and help them recall the visit later. Other benefits include:
Search engines benefits—you’ll show up more frequently in the results.
Websites with images get more clicks.
Website images fuel social media—pages with pictures are shared more often.
Your website consists of many sections, including profile pages of the firm’s lawyers. If your firm doesn’t have a website, the profile page on the SBM Member Directory can serve for your promotion. Profile pages are the second most visited pages on your site. The consumer clicking on the page is seeking an answer to a legal problem. They are anxious and want someone they can trust. Your photo presents an opportunity to show potential clients that you are easy to talk to.
How can a photo show that you are approachable? Here are some tips:
Rather than using a standard studio background, go outside and use natural light. Standing is stronger than sitting, which can look passive unless you’re sitting with a client.
Use settings that reflect your practice area. It could be your office or another building that suggests your niche market such as the courthouse (litigator), library (researcher), or a building with solar panels (environmental law).
Avoid any setting that denotes a holiday or season if you plan to keep it up for a long period of time.
Color tells a tale. Use red, black, and white to convey power; for example, wear a black suit, white shirt, or red tie or scarf. Elder law your niche? Use pastel colors. Environmental lawyers could turn to earth tones.
Add a personal touch—include the signage of your firm or show the members of your firm participating at a community event.
As you can see, images play an important role in website and profile creation. They can set the tone for your website, catch a readers’ attention, encourage them to stay on your site for further exploration, and follow your calls to action by completing a form or asking for your business.
After years practicing law, Roberta Gubbins served as editor of the Ingham County Legal News. Since leaving the paper, she provides legal content writing for lawyers. She is editor of The Mentor, the SBM Master Lawyers newsletter. Writing as Alexandra Hawthorne, she published a cozy mystery, Murder One in Midvale Corners.
“Encourage one another and build each other up”1 Thess 5:11
Father’s Day does not get the same overwhelming celebration as Mother’s Day. Fathers have an important role in the family and in the lives of their children. This month as we celebrate Father’s Day let’s honor reflect and encourage the father figures in our lives. Pray for fathers, who may not be perfect, but who love their children, train their children, protect their children and have good relationships with their children. I challenge you to share positive comments and reflections about the father, father figures, grandfathers, uncles, mentors and committed men in your life that will encourage them. Please share your story and comments.
Whether we’re celebrating our dads, stepdads, brothers, sons or other father figures in our lives, these men need to hear what a difference their lives and love makes.1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB reminds us to “encourage one another and build each other up,” and Father’s Day is a chance for us build up the men in our lives and to encourage them. Lift those dads up; celebrate their unique calling; remind them how much they’re appreciated every single day. This Father’s Day we can pray for the special men in our lives spend time with them and remember those who are no longer here.
Fathers can be protective strong and stern, yet heartfelt and gentle. They are always there to provide, lend a helping hand, or be our biggest cheerleader A couple of years ago on Radio station 1200 AM in the city of Detroit, John Mason, of Mason in the Afternoon, was asking for positive reflections and comments about one’s father, grandfather or a father figure. One reflection, by a man who called into the radio station to comment, touched my heart. He stated that his father taught him many things by his actions. He said he learned how to be a father and the protector of his family from his father. “When I was about 7 years old I went “trick or treating” on Halloween with some friends”, said the caller. “ A bigger boy stole our bags. All I could remember was seeing a flash go by and jump the fence. Next thing I knew I had my Halloween bag back. It was my father who jumped that fence. He had been watching and covering me all the time”. That story brought tears to my eyes because the actions of the father symbolized the love the heavenly Father has for us in that he watches over us and protects us. For the now grown caller it taught him how to watch over his family. Another gentleman called in and stated he “learned how to respect women because of how he saw his father respect and treat his mother”.
We should pray for others. Prayer is a simple gift we can pray for the men in your life anytime and anywhere. Pray for their strength and guidance , spiritual growth , protection and health. Thank God for that father , grandfather or uncle’s presence in your life. Pray for grace and encouragement in their brokenness and in their daily lives.
Honor the memory of fathers who have passed on.. Proverbs 10:7 CSB says: “The memory of the righteous is blessed.” Spend time reflecting on the legacy your father left-how did they honor or show the love of God? What did they teach you about life, and how can we pass that wisdom along to others.
Jeanette Johnson’s father has been dead for many years but she talks about her father frequently with love and respect. Her honor and respect for his wisdom radiates from her heart for this man who only had a third grade education, but was full of wisdom , strength, and integrity who provided for his children and adored his wife and owned land and property and feed neighbors who were poor. When she speaks of him you can hear and feel the respect and honor she has for him.
Again I challenge you to share and leave your positive comment and reflections about your father, grandfather, stepdad or father figure. Share the color of the loving, positive, supportive relationship you had with the father figure in your life.
Linda Fegins, The Prayer Leader 2019 LDFaygo@gmail.com
Nobody gets to the highest peaks without help from others.
Networking is the identification of relationships for the purpose of sharing information and resources. Taking time for people and communication is the key. Don’t ever get too busy to share information or your wisdom.
Success comes when you hook up with like-minded folks and kindred spirits. Moving ahead often involves reaching out and being willing to give. We reap what we sow.
So, how does one “network” for success?
Here are some practical tips to implement:
Be visible. Dress sharp and snappy. Look like someone others want to know because your image says “success.” Be willing to attend functions alone. Networking expands your circle of influence, builds your personal brand, and garners support.
Give before you get. Sow before you reap. Look for ways to be a blessing. Share information and resources with contacts before asking them for anything. Search for their interests and goals when meeting someone new. Figure out a way to help them.Gather, collect, and distribute info. Position yourself as the “go to” person for ministry information. Provide regular updates about helpful events or books. Use an email database system like active campaign or AWeber to simplify the process and send information attractively.
3. Write your vision. Make it plain. Make the most of networking opportunities by having eye-catching marketing materials. Have more than a business card when going to a conference or event. Be intentional about your purpose. Have a bookmark or postcard describing your book. Offer a CD or brochure as a speaker.
4. Demonstrate your sincere faith by being a person of character and integrity. Follow the Golden Rule which says, “Treat others as you want to be treated”, with respect and courtesy. Follow up and follow through. Deliver on your promises.
So be deliberate in creating partnerships, building relationships and keeping friendships. Make it your intent to be kind, really care about people, treat others with respect and value everyone.
. #brandingaccelerator#brand🥊
Pam Perry https://www.pamperrypr.com/about/ (note this is not the entire article)
Pam Perry is an award-winning communications professional. She teaches and mentors authors, speakers and entrepreneurs on how to build a platform and attract major media and publishing contracts. She is also the publisher of SPEAKERS MAGAZINE.
After working with Pam, her clients have been featured on CNN, TBN, The Word Network, Radio One, Oprah Magazine, Tom Joyner Morning Show, Essence, Ebony, Black Enterprise, PBS – and many other major media outlets. Her clients have been offered major publishing contracts, and have created successful full-time careers as “authorpreneurs” earning six-figures.
She has been called by Publishers Weekly a “PR Guru” and featured in many major publications (including several covers), and on more than 100 radio and TV programs. She also has a 20-year career expertise in marketing, public relations and journalism in Detroit; including work with The Detroit Free Press, WNIC, The Edge with Jeffrey Miller, Radio One, Michigan Chronicle, WNIC and TheHUB Detroit magazine.
Known as the master of connecting the right people, for the right project, at the right time – Pam Perry PR works hard to help her clients brand (and get paid) like a superstar.
Celebrate Women’s National Women’s History Month – Celebrate women trailblazers in business, the marketplace, civil rights and rebels in law- who have left us a rich legacy of courage, faith, perseverance and wisdom.
Celebrate the great women entrepreneurs, market place influencers or world change agents.
Celebrate the women you admire from afar and near and just “see them”; or just those who have blessed your life, sown time, love, wisdom and support in your life; or the woman you admire because she models the message of Christ because of their fruitful spirit and are Doers of the Word. You admire the way she manages her household, raises her children and takes care of her family and still does what she does; or the woman who is unassuming, but is there when you need her , you can trust her and she can step in at a moment’s notice.Celebrate Your Sister Women Girls who do great things and bless you.
Take Action. 1.Pray for them. 2.Let them know what you appreciate about them. 3. Ask what can you do for them.
Pray for families, children,women and against human trafficking(modern slavery) . Pray that women will be honored in their unique, God created glory;that every kind of injustice toward women will cease; for pornography to be stopped; for protection from sexual violence;that hope be renewed for the beauty of marriage and children;that single women will lay hold of God’s full purpose in their lives.( from Seek God for the City)
Write Now Literary Book Tours is pleased to be organizing a book blast tour for My Last Baggage Call Aboard Air Force One by Glenn W. Powell. This tour will run Feb 22, 2019. Click here to book your own book tour.
Genre of Book: Memoir, Motivational, Military Life and History
ISBN-10: 1986878406
ISBN-13: 978-1986878401
About the Book
Sergeant Glenn W. Powell’s MY LAST BAGGAGE CALL is the story of a most unlikely young man who leaves his working-class environment of Toledo, Ohio, to become a soldier. Seeking excitement and a way to “make something of himself,” Glenn Powell’s journey exceeds his wildest dreams—a journey that began in basic training in Fort Hood, Texas ends at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue—the most important address in the world. MY LAST BAGGAGE CALL is about so much more than Glenn Powell’s military journey, but about poignant memories of family, friendships, sacrifices, and love—central to his story is Ronda Holloway, the beautiful young woman he falls in love with in Manheim, Germany, and, who joins him on his life journey as wife, soulmate and mother to their two sons. MY LAST BAGGAGE CALL offers readers a glimpse into Sergeant Glenn Powell’s 30-year transformation from the much-beloved boy who seeks more in life…to the man, who discovers it—in adventure, in friendships, and in service to three American presidents. a service he delivered with pride, unquestioned loyalty, distinction and in the end, great admiration.
Meet Glenn
Sergeant First Class Glenn W. Powell (Retired) is a native of Toledo, Ohio. He enlisted into the United States Army in 1982 and retired in 2002. During his military career, he served as a heavy vehicle driver, a squad leader, and non-commissioned officer.
In September 1991, SFC Powell joined the George HW Bush White House as a chauffeur, and in 1992, was promoted to transportation coordinator for the white house Press Corps, serving in the Clinton Administration.
In December 1995, he assumed the duties of transportation supervisor for Air Force One.
In January 2001, during his service under President George W. Bush, SFC Powell was transferred to the White House Military Office, Customer Support and Organizational Development where he served as deputy director.
SFC Powell retired with distinction from the Military in 2002. He received numerous awards and decorations throughout his service, including the Legion of Merit Metal, Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, and the United States Army Achievement Medal with four oak leaf clusters. He received U.S. Service Ribbons for both domestic and overseas service.
Glenn and Ronda Holloway Powell have been married for 25 years, and have three sons, Darius, Warren, and Glenn, II. They reside in Virginia. For more information, or to contact Glenn Powell regarding availability for speaking opportunities, please email him at glennwpowell@aol.com.
A Soldier’s Story Excerpt
Shortly after I turned 18, I enlisted in the army. Around that time, I learned that the young woman I’d been dating was pregnant, so going into the army would be an opportunity to provide for my child. The army sent me to Fort Dix in New Jersey for boot camp training on April 22, 1982. It was the perfect enlistment site for me.
Because of the popular television show, Dallas, I had in mind that I wanted to go to Fort Hood, Texas and meet JR Ewing. Not only did I meet Larry Hagman, the actor who played JR, but I also met the entire cast at one of the big Dallas malls. That was in the 80s when the networks spent money to have cast members show up to greet their fans, and when fans could easily get a photo with the stars. Meeting JR had been on my mental bucket list. Later I learned that “Klinger” from Mash and Danny Thomas were both from Toledo, and so I added them to the list.
In 1983, I re-enlisted and chose Hawaii as my next army stint. There for 18 months, I’m convinced that the Hawaii move helped me look long and hard at myself and my future. In Hawaii, I decided I needed to better myself. I enrolled at the Wahiawa Community School for Adults and got my high school diploma. My mother was so disappointed when I didn’t graduate from high school, so I did it as much for her as for myself.
My long transportation management career began in Wahiawa. I was one of a large number of applicants who applied for a temporary mission of driving for the Sergeant Major for the division. He was the senior enlisted man at the post. I beat out the other candidates for that position. Later, I drove for the one-star general at the post. After that, I returned to my unit and worked as the battalion mail clerk until he left in 1985. While there, I met friends and mentors who would help me decide on my career journey. That same year, I was asked to re-enlist, and First Sergeant Herbert Harris became a lifelong mentor and friend. Sergeant Harris recommended that I choose Fort Eustis in Newport News, Virginia for my re-enlistment. I remained at Fort Eustis from April 1985 until January 1988.
I became a squad leader, and for the next six months, I managed a squad of truck drivers in and around the base. After that, I was set on transportation becoming my specialty, but my career trajectory changed some when I was appointed to head up NCO Training, where I was responsible for the training of 270 soldiers.
Around this time, I met First Sergeant Fletcher Walker. He was sent in to straighten out our company, and he did just that. He would stand up at the top of the stairs with his hat covering his eyes but looking down at us. Sergeant Walker was a ‘soldier among soldiers,’ an airborne paratrooper, a Vietnam Veteran who had been shot three times. There was no one more surprised when he chose me to run the training.
I knew he had high expectations, and I was determined not to disappoint him. He was the kind of leaders for whom soldiers would fight and die. He was a true hero who taught me how to be a soldier and a man. He shared a lot about life with me. I imitated him in many ways so much that everyone would call me “Baby Walker.” I met his family and it was an honor. He retired as a Command Sergeant Major.